Formation of Verbs with Prefixes
Verbs with prefixes are formed from simple verbs by adding the following prefixes:
a) Prefixes relating to locations or spaces:
[nÁna-] نٌنَه - "movement inside" :
"to come in" - [nAnawatÁl] نٌنَوَتٌل = "to come out" - [watÁl] وَتٌل + نٌنَه
[póre-] پُوری- From an adjective meaning "staying on the other side" and a postposition with meaning "across", "to". See also Preposition 1.5, Preposition 2.4, Preposition 5.3, Postposition 9:
"to get across" - [porewatÁl] پُوریوَتٌل = "to come out" - [watÁl] وَتٌل + پُوری
[ke-] کی- From the postposition denoting a location. See Preposition 1.2:
"to get to" - [kewatÁl] کیوَتٌل = "to come out" - [watÁl] وَتٌل + کی
[pre-] پْرې- From a adverb meaning "on it", "on him". See Preposition 3.3:
"to fall" - [prewatÁl] پْرېوَتٌل = "to come out" - [watÁl] وَتٌل + پْرې
b) Personal directional prefixes, made from the personal directional pronouns. See also Personal Directional Pronouns:
"to me, for us" - [raa-] را- :
"to give me, us" - [raakawÁl] راکَوٌل = "to do" - [kawÁl] کَوٌل + را
"to you, for you" - [dar-] دَر- :
"to give you" - [darkawÁl] دَرْکَوٌل = "to do" - [kawÁl] کَوٌل + دَر
"to him, her, for them" - [war-] وَر- :
"to give him, her, them" - [warkawÁl] وَرْکَوٌل = "to do" - [kawÁl] کَوٌل + وَر .
Some verbs with these prefixes have lost the personal directional meaning. For example:
"to order" - [raaghuKhtÁl] راغُوښْتٌل ,
"to buy" - [raaniwÁl] رانیوٌل .
Formation of Verbs with Suffixes.
Verbs with suffixes are formed by combining a nominal part (which can be a noun, an adjective, or a verbal stem) with the auxiliary verb "to do" - [kawÁl] کَوٌل (for transitive verbs) or "to become" - [kedÁl] کېدٌل (for intransitive verbs):
"to spend" - [terawÁl] تېرَوٌل = "to do" - [kawÁl] کَوٌل + "spent" - [ter] تېر ;
"to pass" - [teredÁl] تېرېدٌل = "to become" - [kedÁl] کېدٌل +"spent" - [ter] تېر .
The present stems of all intransitive verbs with suffixes have the suffix [-ed] -ېد . The past stems have the suffix [-eGh] -یږ :
"I arrived" - [zA wúrasedAm] زٌه وُرَسېدٌم ,
"I arrive" - [zA raseGhAm] زٌه رَسېږٌم .
The stems of transitive verbs have the suffix [-aw] -و:
"he supplies" -دَی کَوى .
1. Completely joint verbs with suffixes are not separated into their nominal parts and auxiliary verbs in their past tense forms. These verbs can be produced from:
a) non-productive elements:
"to wear" - [gArzawAl] گٌرْزَوٌل ;
"to walk" - [gArzedÁl] گٌرْزېدٌل ;
b) imitative words:
"to drum" - [DangawÁl] ډَنْگَوٌل = "to do" - [kawÁl] کَوٌل + "roll of drum" - [Dang] ډَنْگ ;
c) present stems of regular or irregular verbs:
"to make somebody read" - [lwalawÁl] لْوَلَوٌل = "to do" - [kawÁl] کَوٌل + [lwal] لْوَل (the present stem of the verb "to read" - لْوَسْتٌل ).
These verbs can also have the prefix [raa-] را- :
"to come back" - [raagArzedÁl] راگٌرْزېدٌل .
2. Denominative verbs with suffixes are separated into their nominal parts and auxiliary verbs in past tense forms. These verbs can be formed from:
a) nouns:
"to water" - [obawÁl] اُوبَوٌل = "to do" - [kawÁl] کَوٌل + "water" - [obÁ] اُوبٌه
b) adjectives:
"be glad" - [khushaaledÁl] خُوشالېدٌل = "to become" - [kedÁl] کېدٌل + "glad" - - [khushaal] خُوشال
c) feminine stems of strong adjectives:
"to blind" - [RandawÁl] ړَنْدَوٌل = "to do" - [kawÁl] کَوٌل + [Randa] ړنده (the feminine form of the strong adjective "blind" - [Rund] ړُونْد )
Formation of Compound Verbs
Compound verbs consist of two words: a nominal part and an auxiliary verb, usually either "to do" - [kawÁl] کَوٌل or "to become" - [kedÁl] کېدٌل. (More rarely, other verbs such as "to beat " - [wahÁl] وَهٌل , "to take" - [akhistÁl] اَخیسْتٌل , and others can be used.)
There are three main groups of compound verbs, based on the type of word used in the nominal part of the compound:
a) compounds with a noun or an adjective as the nominal part:
"to swim" - [laambó wahÁl] لامْبُو وَهٌل = "to beat" - [wahÁl] وَهٌل + "swimming" - [laambó] لامْبُو;
b) compounds with an adverb as the nominal part:
"to go forward" - [wRaánde kedÁl] وْړانْدی کېدٌل = "to become" - [kedÁl] کېدٌل + "forward" -[wRaande] وْړانْدی ;
c) compounds with a verbal noun as the nominal part:
"to meet" - [lidÁna kawÁl] لیدٌنَه کَوٌل = "to do" - [kawÁl] کَوٌل + [lidÁna] لیدٌنَه (a noun made from the verb "to see" - [lidÁl] لیدٌل ).
See Also: