Note: All past tense transitive verbs are used in ergative constructions, so they agree in person and number with the direct object rather than the subject of the sentence. See Ergative Constructions.
The perfective aspect expresses the fact that an action has been completed. Verbs in the past tense with the perfective aspect denote actions that were completed in the past and do not continue into the present. This tense can be translated into English with the simple past tense.
Regular and irregular simple verbs produce the past tense by adding the stressed prefix [wú-] وُ to their imperfective forms:
Regular and Irregular Simple Verbs
("to call" - بَلٌل , "to rise" - خَتٌل )
Person |
Number |
Singular |
Plural |
First |
"he called me" - [dA zA wúbalAlAm ( wúbalAm) ] دٌه زٌه وُبَلٌلٌم ( وُبَلٌم) "I got up"- [zA wúkhatAlAm (wúkhatAm)] زٌه وُخَتٌلٌم ( وُخَتٌم) |
"he called us" - [dA muGh wúbalAlu ( wúbalu)] دٌه مُوږ وُبَلٌلُو (وُبَلو) "we got up" - [muGh wúkhatAlu (wúkhatu) ] مُوږ وُخَتٌلُو ( وُخَتُو) |
Second |
"he called you" - [dA tA wúbalAle ( wúbale) ] دٌه تٌه وُبَلٌلې ( وُبَلې) "you got up" - [tA wúkhatAle (wúkhate)] تٌه وُخَتٌلې ( وُخَتې) |
"he called you" - [dA taáse wúbalAle ( wúbale) ] دٌه تاسی وُبَلٌلۍ ( وُبَلۍ) "you got up" - [taáse wúkhatAlAy (wúkhatAy)] تاسی وُخَتٌلۍ ( وُخَتۍ) |
Third |
"I called him" - [maa day wúbaalA] ما دَی وُباَلٌه "I called her" - [maa daa wúbalAla] ما دا وُبَلٌلَه "he got up" - [day wúkhot] دَی وُخُوت "she got up" - [daa wúkhatAla (wúkhata)] دا وُخَتٌلَه ( وُخَتَه) |
"I called them (men)" - [maa duy wúbalAl ] ما دُوی وُبَلٌل "I called them (women)" - [maa duy wúbalAle ]ما دُوی وُبَلٌلې "they (men) got up" - [duy wúkhatAl] دُوی وُخَتٌل "they (women) got up" - [duy wúkhatAle ] دُوی وُخَتٌلې |
Negative forms are produced by adding the stressed negative particle "not" - نَه after the prefix wu- وُ- :
"I did not get up" - زٌه وُنَه خَتٌلٌم
"he did not call me" - دٌه زٌه وُنَه ُبَلٌلٌم
Special simple verbs form the past tense by transfering the stress on their perfective stems. The verbs "to do" - کَوٌل , "to become" - کېدٌل produce their past perfective forms from their perfective stems by adding the stressed prefix wú- وُ if they are used independently. If they are used as auxiliary verbs, they form this tense like other special verbs.
Special Simple Verbs
("to go" - تْلٌل , "to come" - راتْلٌل , "to drive" - بیوٌل , "to take away" - وْړٌل )
Person |
Number |
Singular |
Plural |
First |
"I went" - [zA wlaáRAm ] زٌه وْلاړٌم "I came - [zA raághlAm ] زٌه راغْلٌم "He drove me" - [zA ye bótlAm] دٌه زٌه بُوتْلٌم "he took me away" - [zA ye yówRAm ]زٌه یی یووْړٌم |
"we went" - [muGh wlaáRu] مُوږ وْلاړُو "we came - [muGh raághlu] مُوږ راغْلُو "He drove us" - [dA muGh bótlu] دٌه مُوږ بُوتْلُو "he took us away" - [dA muGh yówRu ] دٌه مُوږ یووړو |
Second |
"you went" - [tA wlaáRe ]تٌه وْلاړې "you came - [tA raághle ] تٌه راغْلې "he drove you" - [dA tA bótle ]دٌه تٌه بُوتْلې "he took you away" - [dA tA yówRe ] دٌه تٌه یووْړې |
"you went" - [taáse wlaáRAy] تاسی وْلاړۍ "you came - [taáse raághlAy] تاسی راغْلۍ "he drove you" - [dA taáse bótlAy] دٌه تاسی بُوتْلۍ "he took you away" - [taáse ye yówRAy ] تاسی یی یووْړۍ |
Third |
"he went" - [day wlaaR] دَی وْلاړ "she went" - [daa wlaaRa]دا وْلاړَه "he came - [day raághAy ]دَی راغۍ "she came" - [daa raághla ]دا راغْلَه "I drove him" - [maa day bót (bótA)] ( ما دَی بُوت ( بوته "I drove her" - [maa daa bóta ] ما دا بُوتَه "I took him away" - [maa day yówR ] ما دی یووْړ "I took her away" - [maa daa yowRa] ما دا یووْړَه |
"they (men) went" - [duy wlaáRAl ] دُوی وْلاړٌل "they (women) went" - [duy wlaaRÁle] دُوی وْلاړلې "they (men) came" - [duy raághlAl] دُوی راغْلٌل "they (women) came" - [duy raághlAle] دُوی راغْلې "I drove them (men)" - [maa duy bótlAl] ما دُوی بُوتْلٌل "I drove them (women)" - [maa duy bótlAle ]ما دُوی بُوتْلٌلې "he took them (men) away" - [duy ye
دُوی یی
The negative forms of special simple verbs are produced by adding the negative particle "not" - نَه in the following way:
Verbs which use prefixes (except for those with the prefix
[raa-] را
Verbs with Prefixes
("to come in" -
Person |
Number |
Singular |
Plural |
First |
"I came in"-[zә "I sat down" -[zA |
"we came in" - [muG "we sat down" - [muG |
Second |
"you came in" - [tә nÁnawate] تٌه نٌنَوَتې "you sat down" - [tA kénaaste] تٌه کېناسْتې |
"you came in" - [taáse nÁnawatAy] تاسی نٌنَوَتۍ "you sat down" - [taáse kénaastAy] تاسی کېناسْتۍ |
Third |
"he came in" - [day nÁnawot] دَی نٌنَه وُوت "she came in" - [daa nÁnawatAla] دا نٌنَوَتٌلَه "he sat down" -[day kénaast] دَی کېناسْت "she sat down" - [daa kénaastAla ] دا کېناسْتٌلَه |
"they (men) came in" - [duy nÁnawatAl] دُوی نٌنَوَتٌل "they (women) [duy nÁnawatAle] دُوی نٌنَوَتٌلې "they (men) [duy kénaastAl] دُوی کېناسْتٌل "they (women) [duy kénaastAle] دُوی کېناسْتٌلې |
Their negative forms are produced by adding the stressed negative particle "not" - نَه after a prefix:
"I did not come in" - [zә nәnanáwatәm] زٌه نٌنَه نَه وَتٌم
"you did not sit down" - [tә kenánaaste] تٌه کې نَه ناسْتې
Verbs with the prefix raa- را produce their past perfective forms from their imperfective stems by adding the prefix wu- وُ after the prefix.
Verbs with the Prefix raa- را
("to take with oneself" - رااخیسْتٌل , "to invite" - رابَلٌل )
Person |
Number |
Singular |
Plural |
First |
"he took me with himself" - [dә zә raáwakhistәm] دٌه زٌه راوُاخیسْتٌم "he invited me" - [dә zә raáwubalAlәm] دٌه زٌه راوُبَلٌلٌم |
"he took us with himself" - [dA muGh raáwakhistu ] دٌه مُوږ راوُاخیسْتُو "he invited us" - [dA muGh raáwubalAlu]دٌه مُوږ راوُبَلٌلُو |
Second |
"he took you with himself" - [dә tә raáwakhiste] دٌه تٌه راوُاخیسْتې "he invited you" - [dә tә raáwubalAle ] دٌه تٌه راوُبَلٌلې |
"he took you with himself" - [dә taáse raáwakhistәy] دٌه تاسی راوُاخیسْتۍ "he invited you" - [dә taáse raáwubalAlәy] دٌه تاسی راوُبَلٌلۍ |
Third |
"I took him with myself" - [maa day raáwakhist] ما دَی راوُاخیسْت "I took her with myself" - [ḿaa daa raáwakhista ] ما دا راواخیسْتَه "I invited him" - [maa day raáwubaalә] ما دَی راوُبالٌه "I invited her" - [maa daa raáwubalAla] ما دا راوُبَلٌلَه |
"I took them (men) with myself" - [maa duy raáwakhistәl] ما دُوی راوُاخیسْتٌل "I took them (women) with myself" - [maa duy raáwakhistәle] ما دُوی راوُاخیسْتٌلې "I invited them (men)" - [maa duy raáwubalәl] ما دُوی راوُبَلٌل "I invited them (women)" - [maa duy raáwubalәle ]ما دُوی راوُبَلٌلې |
Their negative forms are produced by adding the stressed negative particle "not" - نَه after the prefix wu- وُ :
"he did not invite me" - دٌه زٌه راوُنَه بَلٌلٌم
"I did not take them with myself" - ما دُوی راوُنَه اخیسْتٌل
Verbs that use suffixes produce their past perfective forms in two ways:
a) Completely joint verbs produce their past perfective forms from their imperfective stems by adding the stressed prefix [wu-] و-:
"I made them eat" - [maa duy wúkhwaṛawAl] ما دُوی وُخْوَړَوٌل ;
b) Denominative verbs in the past tense with the perfective aspect are divided into a nominal part and an auxiliary verb which is in the perfective form. Only the auxiliary verb is declined. The nominal part of the word can have masculine and feminine forms:
"to be built" - [joRawә́l] جُوړَېدٌل → "house was built" - [kor joRshu] کُور جُوړ شُو
Verbs with Suffixes
("to make to read" - لْوَلَوٌل , "to comb" - ږْمَنْڂَوٌل , "to age" - زَړېدٌل )
Person |
Number |
Singular |
Plural |
First |
"he made me read" - [dA zA wúlwalawAlAm ]دٌه زٌه وُلْوَلَوٌلٌم "he combed me" - [dA zA Ghmandz kRAm ]دٌه زٌه ږْمَنْڂ کْړٌم "I aged" - [zA zoR shwәm] زٌه زُوړ شْوٌم |
"he made us read" - [dA muGh wúlwalawAlu ]دٌه مُوږ وُلْوَلَوٌلُو "he combed us" - [dA muGh Ghmandz kRu ]دٌه مُوږ ږْمَنْڂ کْړُو "we aged" - [muGh zaRA shwu] مُوږ زاړٌه شْوُ |
Second |
"he made you read" - [dA tA wúlwalawAle ]دٌه تٌه وُلْوَلَوٌلې "he combed you" - [dA tA Ghmandz kRe ]دٌه تٌه ږْمَنْڂ کْړې "you aged" - [tA zoR shwe] تٌه زُوړ شْوې |
"he made you read" - [dA taase wúlwalawAlAy ] دٌه تاسی وُلْوَلَوٌلۍ "he combed you" - [dA taase Ghmandz kRAy ] دٌه تاسی ږْمَنْڂ کْړۍ "you aged" - [taase zaRA shwәy] تاسی زاړٌه شْوۍ |
Third |
"I made him read" - [maa day wúlwalaawA ]ما دَی وُلْوَلاَوٌه "I made her read" - [maa daa wúlwalawAla ]ما دا وُلْوَلَوٌلَه "I combed him" - [maa day Ghmandz kR ]ما دَی ږْمَنْڂ کْړ "I combed her" - [ḿaa daa Ghmandz kRa ]ما دا ږْمَنْڂ کْړَه "he aged" - [day zoR shu] دَی زُوړ شُو "she aged" - [daa zaRa shwa] دا زَړَه شْوَه |
"I made them (men) read" - [maa duy wúlwalawAl ] ما دُوی وُلْوَلَوٌل "I made them (women) read" - [maa duy wúlwalawAle ] ما دُوی وُلْوَلَوٌلې "I combed them (men)" - [maa duy Ghmandz kRAl ] ما دُوی ږْمَنْڂ کْړٌل "I combed them (women)" - [ḿaa duy Ghmandz kRÁle ] ما دُوی ږْمَنْڂ کْړٌلې "they (men) aged" - [duy zaRA shwAl] دُوی زاړٌه شْوٌل "they (women) aged" - [duy zaRe shwÁle] دُوی زَړې شْوٌلې |
Completely joint verbs produce their negative forms by adding the stressed negative particle "not" - نَه after the prefix [wu-] وُ- :
"I did not make him read." - [maa day wunálwalaawA] ما دَی وُنَه لْوَلاَوٌه .
Denominative verbs produce their negative forms by adding the stressed negative particle "not" - نَه before the perfective form of the auxiliary verb:
"A house was not built." - [kor joR ná shu] کُور جُوړ نَه شُو.
"I did not comb him out." - [maa day Ghmandz ná kR] ما دَی ږْمَنْڂ نَه کْړ.
Compound verbs produce their past perfective forms by declining the perfective stems of the auxiliary verbs "to do" - کَوٌل → کٌړ and "to become" - کېدٌل → شْو / ش . Compound verbs which use verbal nouns (nouns formed from verbs) as their nominal parts also add the prefix [wu-] وُ- before the auxiliary verb. The auxiliary verb agrees with the nominal part in gender and number.
Compound Verbs
("to quiet down" - ډاډه کېدٌل , "to grieve" - خَپَه کَوٌل , "to meet" - لیدٌنَه کَوٌل )
Person |
Number |
Singular |
Plural |
First |
"I quieted down" - [zA DaaDá shwAm] زٌه ډاډَه شْوٌم "he grieved for me" - [dA zA khapá kRAm] دٌه زٌه خَپَه کْړٌم "I met him" - [maa da dә sará lidÁna wúkRa] ما دَ دٌه سَرَه لیدٌنَه وُکْړَه |
"we quieted down" - [muGh DaaDá shwu] موږ ډاډَه شْوُو "he grieved for us" - [dA muGh khapá kRu] دٌه مُوږ خَپَه کْړُو "we met him" - [muGh da dә sará lidÁna wúkRa ]مُوږ دَ دٌه سَرَه لیدٌنَه وُکْړَه |
Second |
"you quieted down" - [tA DaaDá shwe] تٌه ډاډَه شْوې "he grieved for you" - [dA tA khapá kRe] دٌه تٌه خَپَه کْړې "you met him" - [taa da dә sará lidÁna wúkRa] تا دَ دٌه سَرَه لیدٌنَه وُکْړَه |
"you quieted down" - [taáse DaaDá shwAy] تاسی ډاډَه شْوۍ "he grieved for you" - [dA taáse khapá kRAy] دٌه تاسی خَپَه کْړۍ "you met him" - [taaso da dә sará lidÁna wúkRa ]تاسُو دَ دٌه سَرَه لیدٌنَه وُکْړَه |
Third |
"he quieted down" - [day DaaDá shu] دی ډاډَه شُو "she quieted down" - [daa DaaDá shwa] دا ډاډَه شْوَه "I grieved for him" - [maa day khapá kR] ما دَی خَپَه کْړ "I grieved for her" - [maa daa khapá kRa] ما دا خَپَه کْړَه "he met me" - [dә zmaa sará lidÁna wúkRa ]دٌه زْما سَرَه لیدٌنَه وُکْړَه "she met me" - [de zmaa sará lidÁna wúkRa] دې زْما سَرَه لیدٌنَه وُکْړَه |
"they (men) quieted down" - [duy DaaDá shwAl ] دُوی ډاډَه شْوٌل "they (women) quieted down" - [duy DaaDá shwÁle ] دُوی ډاډَه شْوٌلې "I grieved for them (men)" - [maa duy khapá kRAl] ما دُوی خَپَه کْړٌل "I grieved for them (women)" - [maa duy khapá kRAle ] ما دُوی خَپَه کْړٌلې "they met me" - [duy zmaa sará lidÁna wúkRa ]دُوی زْما سَرَه لیدٌنَه وُکْړَه |
Compound verbs produce their negative forms by adding the negative particle "not" - نَه before an auxiliary verb or between the prefix wu- وُ and an auxiliary one:
"He did not quiet down" - [day DaaDá ná shu] دَی ډاډَه نَه شُو
"I did not meet him" - [maa da dә sará lidÁna wunákRa] ما دَ دٌه سَرَه لیدٌنَه وُنَه کْړَه
"I did not grieve for him" - [maa day khapá na kR] ما دَی خَپَه نَه کْړ
See Also: