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Particle بٌه In Tense Formation

The particle بٌه is used to form the perfective and imperfective aspects of the future tense and the past narrative tense. It is placed in the second position in a sentence. (See also Perfective Aspect, Imperfective Aspect, and Simple Sentences.)

This particle can be:

a) placed after a verb, or inserted between the prefix of the perfective aspect [wu-] و- and the rest of a verb, or inserted into a stem in a sentence that consists only of a predicate:

"I will write." - بٌه لیکٌم.

"We will read." - وُبٌه لْوَلُو.

"You (singular) will come." - رابٌه شې.

"You (plural) will go." - وْلاړ بٌه شۍ .

b) placed between a subject and an object in a simple, unextended two-word sentence:

"I will do" - زٌه بٌه کَوٌم

c) placed after the first word in a simple, extended two-word sentence:

"They will read a book." - دُوی بٌه کِتاب وُلْوَلى .

"I will visit you tomorrow." - سَبا بٌه تا تَه راشٌم.

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