The imperative mood expresses a command or request.
Only verbs in the second person can be in the imperative verbs. Imperfective imperative forms are produced from present stems. Singular forms have the ending [-a] ه, while plural forms are the same as the present subjunctive forms. Perfective forms of the imperative have the same endings as the present subjunctive mood. (See Subjunctive Mood.)
Infinitive |
Imperfective Form |
Perfective Form |
"to read" - لْوَسْتٌل |
read! - [lwalá]لْوَلَه |
[wúlwala] وُلْوَلَه |
"to do" - کَوٌل |
do! - [kawá]کَوَه |
[wúkRa]وُکْړَه |
"to become" - کېدٌل |
become! - [kéGha] کېږه |
[sha] شَه |
"to go" - تْلٌل |
go! - [dza]ڂَه |
[wlaaR sha]وْلاړ شَه |
"to come" -راتْلٌل |
come! - [raadzá] راڂَه |
[raásha]راشَه |
"to drive" - بیوٌل |
drive! - [byaáya]بیایَه |
[bóza]بُوزَه |
"to take away" - وْړٌل |
take away! - [wRa] وْړَه |
[yósa] یوسَه |
"to put" - ایښُودٌل |
Put! -[Ghda]ږْدَه |
[kéGhda] کېږْدَه |
"to come in" - نٌنَوَتٌل |
come in! [nAnawúza]نٌنَوُزَه |
[nÁ́nawuza] نٌنَوُزَه |
"to give" - وَرْکَوٌل |
give! [warkawá ] وَرْکَوَه |
[wárkRa ] وَرْکْړَه |
"to arrive" - رَسېدٌل |
arrive! [raséGha ] رَسېږَه |
[wúraseGha] وُرَسېږَه |
"to build" - جُوړَوٌل |
build! [joRawá ]جُوړَوَه |
[jóRa kRa] جُوړَه کْړَه |
"to sign" - اِمْضا کَوٌل |
sign! - [imzaá kawá]اِمْضا کَوَه |
[imzaá kRa] اِمْضا کْړَه |
"to swear" - قَسَم خْوَړٌل |
swear! [kasám khurá ] قَسَم خُورَه |
[kasám wúkhura] قَسَم وُخُورَه |
Negative imperative forms are used only with the imperfective aspect. They are formed by adding the negative particle [má] - مَه before the verb or between the nominal part and the auxiliary verb:
Do not give! [má warkawa] ! مَه وَرْکَوَه
Do not sign! - [imzaá́ má kawa] ! اِمْضا مَه کَوَه
See Also: