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Imperative Mood

The imperative mood expresses a command or request.

Only verbs in the second person can be in the imperative verbs. Imperfective imperative forms are produced from present stems. Singular forms have the ending [-a] ه, while plural forms are the same as the present subjunctive forms. Perfective forms of the imperative have the same endings as the present subjunctive mood. (See Subjunctive Mood.)


Imperfective Form

Perfective Form

"to read" - لْوَسْتٌل

read! - [lwalá]لْوَلَه

[wúlwala] وُلْوَلَه

"to do" - کَوٌل

do! - [kawá]کَوَه


"to become" - کېدٌل

become! - [kéGha] کېږه

[sha] شَه

"to go" - تْلٌل

go! - [dza]ڂَه

[wlaaR sha]وْلاړ شَه

"to come" -راتْلٌل

come! - [raadzá] راڂَه


"to drive" - بیوٌل

drive! - [byaáya]بیایَه


"to take away" - وْړٌل

take away! - [wRa] وْړَه

[yósa] یوسَه

"to put" - ایښُودٌل

Put! -[Ghda]ږْدَه

[kéGhda] کېږْدَه

"to come in" - نٌنَوَتٌل

come in! [nAnawúza]نٌنَوُزَه

[nÁ́nawuza] نٌنَوُزَه

"to give" - وَرْکَوٌل

give! [warkawá ] وَرْکَوَه

[wárkRa ] وَرْکْړَه

"to arrive" - رَسېدٌل

arrive! [raséGha ] رَسېږَه

[wúraseGha] وُرَسېږَه

"to build" - جُوړَوٌل

build! [joRawá ]جُوړَوَه

[jóRa kRa] جُوړَه کْړَه

"to sign" - اِمْضا کَوٌل

sign! - [imzaá kawá]اِمْضا کَوَه

[imzaá kRa]

اِمْضا کْړَه

"to swear" - قَسَم خْوَړٌل

swear! [kasám khurá ]

قَسَم خُورَه

[kasám wúkhura]

قَسَم وُخُورَه

Negative imperative forms are used only with the imperfective aspect. They are formed by adding the negative particle [má] - مَه before the verb or between the nominal part and the auxiliary verb:

Do not give! [má warkawa] ! مَه وَرْکَوَه

Do not sign! - [imzaá́ má kawa] ! اِمْضا مَه کَوَه

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