Pashto past participles can be translated into English with participles. Most verbs form their singular masculine past participle from the infinitive by adding the ending [-ay] ی- . Alternatively, they may form it from their past stems by adding the suffix [-Álay] لَی- . The singular feminine past form is produced by adding the ending [-e] - ې or the suffix [-Ále] لې - . The plural past forms for both genders are produced by adding the ending [i] - ى or the suffix [-Áli] - لى .
"written" (singular masculine) - لیکٌلَی = لیکٌل + ی
"written" (singular feminine) - لیکٌلَې = لیکٌل + ې
"written" (plural, both genders) - لیکٌلَى = لیکٌل + ى
Special simple verbs produce past participle forms from perfective or imperfective stems by adding the ending [-ay] ی - :
"come" (singular masculine) - راغٌلَی = راغْل + ی ← "to come" - راتْلٌل
"done" (singular masculine) - کٌړَی = کٌړ + ی ← "to do" - کَوٌل
"become" (singular masculine) - شٌوَی = شٌو + ی ← "to become" - کېدٌل
"driven" (singular masculine) - بُوتْلَی = بُوتْل + ی ← "to drive" - بیوٌل
"taken away" (singular masculine) - وٌړَی = وٌړ + ی ← "to take away" - وْړٌل
Some verbs have more than one past participle. The participle "driven" also has the variant - بیوٌلَی . The participle "taken away" -two variants: یُووْړَی and وْړٌلَی . The verb "to put" - ایښُودٌل has two past participle forms: ایښَی and کېښُووٌلَی .
Verbs with prefixes which are formed from special verbs have the appropriate past participle forms:
"given" - وَرْکٌړَی ← "to give" - وَرْکَوٌل ← "to do" - کَوٌل
Denominative verbs with suffixes produce their past participle forms by being divided into a nominal part (noun, adjective) and the past participle "done" - کٌړَی (in transitive verbs) or the past participle "become" - شٌوَی (in intransitive verbs). The nominal part agrees with the past participle in gender and number.
"to age" - زَړېدٌل → "aged man" - زُوړ شٌوَی سَړَی → "aged woman" - زَړَه شٌوې ښٌڂَه → "aged men" - زاړٌه شٌوى سَړى → "aged women" - زَړې شٌوې ښٌڂې
See Also: