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Using the Learning Screen

The Learning screen is the main screen of the program, where you can manage your learning path{{^phone}}, check your daily goal, refresh your learned vocab, and launch practice activities{{/phone}}. To go to the Learning screen from another screen in the program, {{#web}}click Learning in the navigation bar at the top of the screen{{/web}}{{#mobile}}tap Menu in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, then select Learning from the drop-down menu that appears{{/mobile}}{{#phone}}tap Menu and select Learning Path{{/phone}}.


Information on each major section of the screen appears below:


The learning path is the main focus of the Learning screen. It presents the next suggested lessons for you to learn. When you first start using the program, the default learning path recommended by Transparent Language will appear. If you are enrolled in a class, your learning path may also include assignments from your instructor. As you work with the program, you can customize your learning path to suit your specific needs.

To use the {{^phone}}MY LEARNING PATH panel on the Learning screen{{/phone}}{{#phone}}learning path{{/phone}}:

  1. If an announcement appears at the top of the path, read it. For example, there may be announcements about {{#tlo}}Daily Refresher emails{{/tlo}}{{#mobile}}{{#tlo}},{{/tlo}} push notifications{{#tlo}},{{/tlo}}{{/mobile}}{{#tlo}} or other{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}{{#mobile}} or other{{/mobile}}{{/rr5}} features.
  2. {{/phone}}
  3. Use the {{#web}}filter checkboxes{{/web}}{{^web}}Search Filter button{{/web}} above the learning path to control which of the lessons in your path are shown. You can choose to show or hide lessons based on their completion status (Not Started, In Progress, or Completed). By default, lessons that are not started or in progress are shown, while completed lessons are hidden. Consult Filtering the Learning Path for details.
  4. Read the list of lessons in the learning path, then do any of the following:
  5. If your learning path is currently empty, or if you want to add additional lessons to the ones already there, {{#web}}click Browse in the navigation bar at the top of the screen{{/web}}{{#mobile}}tap Menu in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, then select Browse from the drop-down menu that appears{{/mobile}}{{#phone}}tap Menu and select Browse{{/phone}} to open the Browse screen. Consult Using the Browse Screen for details.

To use the ONE-ON-ONE TUTORING panel on the Learning screen (if it appears):

  1. If you use the CL-150 through an organization that arranges for one-on-one tutoring sessions as part of your language learning, the ONE-ON-ONE TUTORING panel may appear on the Learning screen when you have tutoring time available. In that situation, read the information in the panel to check how many tutoring sessions you have access to. (This feature is not available for all users, so this panel may not appear.)
  2. If you want to book a session, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} the Copy link to copy your CL-150 username (which you will be asked for during the scheduling process), then {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} Schedule a Session.
{{/phone}} {{/rr5}} {{#rr5}}{{^phone}}

To use the MY ASSIGNED GOALS panel on the Learning screen (if it appears):

  1. If the MY ASSIGNED GOALS panel appears, consult it for information on the weekly assigned goal(s) and/or monthly assigned goal(s) set by the administrator(s) of any reporting group(s) in which you are enrolled. These assigned goals may be different from the daily learning goal that you have set for yourself, although any time spent learning will count both toward your assigned goal(s) and toward your daily goal. Consult Understanding Assigned Goals for more information.
  2. If you prefer, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} Show More Options in the MY ASSIGNED GOALS panel, then select Add Time to add a journal entry for the current day so you can get credit for language learning outside of this program. Consult Making Journal Entries. Note: Any time added will count toward all your goals.
{{/phone}}{{/rr5}} {{^phone}}

To use the MY PERSONAL GOAL panel on the Learning screen:

  1. Consult the information in the panel to see your progress toward your daily learning goal and how many days there are in your current streak. Consult Understanding Learning Goals and Streaks for more information.
  2. If you prefer, do {{#tlo}}either{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}any{{/rr5}} of the following:
{{/phone}} {{^phone}}

To use the LEARNED VOCAB panel on the Learning screen:

  1. Consult the graphic to check how many learned vocab items you have in the current language. You can find the number of fresh, stale, and archived vocab items below the graphic.
  2. Do either of the following to manage your learned vocab:
  3. Use the Refresh options to review your learned vocab items. (Note: These options will only appear if you have at least one learned vocab item.) Any stale vocab items that you refresh will become fresh again. Regularly reviewing your learned vocab is an important part of the learning process, so you should refresh often. The following Refresh options are available:
{{/phone}} {{^phone}}

To use the PRACTICE panel on the Learning screen:

  1. The lower right-hand panel on the screen allows you to practice words and phrases with various activities. Check the tiles to verify what options are available. Depending on your screen size, you may have to scroll to display all the activity tiles. Each tile will have an icon indicating the activity's primary skill:
  2. Listening - Listening         Reading - Reading
    Speaking - Speaking         Writing - Writing

    Note: Activities marked TEST will function as assessments, offering an overall score at the end instead of giving feedback after each answer.{{^mobile}} Activities marked with Microphone are speech-enabled.{{/mobile}}

  3. {{#web}}Click{{/web}}{{^web}}Tap{{/web}} the tile for the activity you want to open.
  4. On the new screen which appears, choose the content you want to practice. Consult Choosing Content for Activities for details.
{{/phone}} {{^phone}}

To use the menus and buttons at the top of the Learning screen:


At any time, you can also{{#phone}} tap Goal to check your goal progress, tap Notifications to display your notifications, or tap Menu and{{/phone}} do any of the following:

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