The Goal History screen is available by {{#web}}clicking{{/web}}{{^web}}tapping{{/web}}{{^phone}} in the MY PERSONAL GOAL section of the GOALS panel on the Learning screen{{/phone}}{{#phone}} in the MY PERSONAL GOAL section of the Goals screen{{/phone}}, then selecting History. It provides an overview of how often you have completed your daily learning goal. (Your daily learning goal is the minimum amount of time that you want to spend on language learning each day. Consult Understanding Learning Goals and Streaks.)
The top part of the Goal History screen shows information on your current streak and the longest streak you have ever earned. Streaks are gained by completing your daily learning goal multiple days in a row - how long can you make yours?
The middle part of the screen shows how many shields you currently have available. Shields protect your streak when you miss your learning goal for a day. Each new user starts off with three shields. After that, you will earn one shield for every streak of seven days, up to a total of 15 shields.
The lower part of the screen presents a calendar. By default, it shows the current month, but you can use the arrows at the top to navigate to any past month. On the calendar, days on which you completed your daily goal are green with a checkmark. Days protected by shields are blue with a shield icon, while days when you missed your goal are red with an x. The current day is outlined in yellow if your goal has not yet been completed. You can hover your mouse pointer over any of these days for a status message.
{{^phone}}When you are finished using the Goal History screen, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} Close or to close it.
{{/phone}}Note: You may be able to {{#tlo}}{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}{{/rr5}}sign up to receive notifications when you haven't completed your daily learning goal or when your streak is about to be broken. You can also {{#tlo}}run another type of report on your learning activity using the My Transcript feature{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}run other types of reports on your learning activity{{/rr5}}.