Switching Learning Languages
{{#tlo}}If you have access to more than one language, you can switch between them{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}You can switch between languages{{/rr5}} using the menu{{^phone}} at the top of the screen, which shows the name of the current learning language{{/phone}}.
To switch between learning languages using the menu:
{{^phone}}- {{#web}}Click{{/web}}{{^web}}Tap{{/web}} the name of the current language at the top of the screen.{{#tlo}} (This feature is not available on all screens or for all versions of the program.){{/tlo}}
{{#phone}}- Tap
and select Learning Language.{{/phone}}
- A drop-down menu will appear. This menu shows the most recent {{#phone}}{{/phone}}learning languages{{#phone}}{{/phone}} you have worked with, any related languages, and {{^phone}}a More Languages button{{/phone}}{{#phone}}an Other Languages option{{/phone}}. Do one of the following:
- To choose a language shown in the menu, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} it.
- To choose a language that does not appear in the menu, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} {{^phone}}More Languages at the bottom of the menu{{/phone}}{{#phone}}Other Languages{{/phone}}. When the Choose a Language to Learn screen appears, follow the instructions below. (Note: You can also access the Choose a Language to Learn screen by {{#web}}clicking{{/web}}{{^web}}tapping{{/web}}
and choosing Change Language.)
To use the Choose a Language to Learn screen:
- Locate the language you want to learn in the list on the screen. If necessary, you can type all or part of a language name in the Search field to narrow down the list. Consult Searching for Languages for details.
- When you have found your learning language, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} it.
- {{#tlo}}In some versions of the program, a{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}A{{/rr5}} {{^phone}}popup menu{{/phone}}{{#phone}}new screen{{/phone}} will appear, showing all the available options for that language. If there is only one option, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} the name of the language{{^phone}} in the popup menu{{/phone}}{{#phone}} on that screen{{/phone}} to switch to that language. If there is more than one option, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} the one you want to use. Possible options include:
- Multiple dialects of the language - Choose the dialect you want to learn, or explore more than one to learn the differences and similarities. Different content may be available for different dialects.
- Regular and transliterated versions of languages that do not use the Latin alphabet - If you want to learn the native writing system of the language along with the vocabulary and pronunciation, choose the regular version. If you are only interested in speaking the language rather than reading and writing it, or if you want to learn the basics before tackling a new writing system, choose the version with "- Transliterated" after the name.
- Content for speakers of different known languages - Choose the version that corresponds to the language you already speak. For example, if a learning language is available for more than one known language, a native English speakers should choose the language option in the "For English Speakers:" section.
- Other variations - Some languages may have unique options available. Read the labels and choose the option that fits your needs.
{{#phone}}Note: If you don't want to choose any of the options, tap Return to Full Language List. Not all languages have multiple options available.
Once you have chosen a language from the Choose a Language to Learn screen, the Learning screen for that language will appear.
At any time, you can also{{#phone}} tap
to check your goal progress, tap
to display your notifications, or tap
and{{/phone}} do any of the following:
{{#web}}- If you are logged in as an instructor or an administrator, click Learning Portal in the upper right-hand part of the screen and choose Instructor Portal or Admin Portal to access either of those portals. (These options may not be available for all accounts.)
{{#web}}- Click the round flag button in the upper right-hand corner (for example,
) to change the interface language used for buttons, help files, and text on the screen. Note: The flag shown depends on the selected interface, so the appearance of this button varies. This setting does not affect the language you are learning. {{/web}}
{{#web}}- Click
in the upper right-hand part of the screen, then do any of the following: Select Change Language to change the learning language. Select Log Out to log out of the program. (These options may not all be available for all accounts.) {{/web}}
{{#mobile}}- Tap your username in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to log out of the program.
{{#web}}- Click
in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to display your notifications. An indicator will appear beside the icon if new notifications have been added since the last time you checked. Consult Managing Notifications for details. (This feature may not be available for all versions of the program.) {{/web}}
{{^web}}- {{#mobile}}Tap
in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to change the interface language. Note: The flag shown depends on the selected interface, so the appearance of this button varies.{{/mobile}}{{#phone}}Select Interface Options in the menu to change the interface language.{{/phone}} (This feature may not be available for all versions of the program.) {{/web}}
{{#web}}- Click
in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to open the Help menu, then do any of the following: Select Help Documentation to open this help file. Select Switch to Mobile Site to display the mobile version of this site instead of the desktop version. Select Feedback to offer feedback on this program. {{/web}}
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