The defining pronouns "other" - بٌل , "others"- نُور , "every" - هَر , and "all" - ټُول are declined like "weak" adjectives. "Others" - نور has only plural forms. The pronoun "all" - واړَه has a plural form in the indirect case - واړُو :
Case |
Singular Number |
Plural Number |
Masculine |
Feminine |
Masculine |
Feminine |
Direct |
[bAl] - بٌل , [har] - هَر , [Tol] - ټُول |
[bÁla] - بٌلَه , [hára] - هَرَه , [Tóla] - ټُولَه |
[bAl] - بٌل , [har] - هَر , [Tol] - ټُول , [nor] - نُور |
[bÁli] - بٌلی , [hári] - هَری , [Tóli] - ټُولی , [nóri] - نُوری |
Indirect |
[bAl] - بٌل , [har] - هَر , [Tol] - ټُول |
[bÁli] - بٌلی , [hári] - هَری , [Tóli] - ټُولی |
[bÁlo] - بٌلُو , [háro] - هَرُو , [Tólo] - ټُولُو , [nóro] - نُورُو |
Defining pronouns act as attributes to nouns:
پېغْلَه پٌر یوَه لارَه اَو مَلْگٌرې ﺋﻰ پٌر بٌلَه لارَه رَوانَه شْوٌلَه.
"A girl went on one road, her friend - on another road."
"We all are Pashtuns." - مُوږ ټُول پَښْتانٌه یُو
"I walk in a forest every day." - زٌه هَرَه وْرَڂ پٌه ڂَنْگَل کی هَوا خُورى کَوٌم
See Also: