Troubleshooting: Issues with Goals and Streaks
If you have issues with your daily learning goal{{#rr5}}, assigned goals,{{/rr5}} or streaks, check the following:
- Is your daily learning goal set to the correct amount of time? {{#web}}Click{{/web}}{{^web}}Tap{{/web}} in the{{#rr5}} MY PERSONAL GOAL section of the{{/rr5}} GOALS panel on the Learning screen, then select Edit Goal and make sure you have selected the correct option. Consult Editing Your Daily Learning Goal.
- Do you have a goal that you don't recognize? Depending on your settings, if you are enrolled in a reporting group, the administrator of that group may be able to set a weekly or monthly assigned goal for all users in that group. This assigned goal is in addition to any daily learning goal that you may have set for yourself. If there is a weekly or monthly assigned goal listed in the Goals panel and you do not know who assigned it to you, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} Where did this goal come from? in that panel for more details.{{#tlo}} Note: Most users are not in reporting groups, so most users will not have assigned goals. If you do, and you have further questions about it, contact the administrator for the reporting group which assigned it.{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}} Note: Not all users enroll in reporting groups, and most users who do only enroll in one. However, in rare cases where a user is part of two or more reporting groups with conflicting assigned goals, the {{^phone}}Learning{{/phone}}{{#phone}}Goals{{/phone}} screen will list the largest amount of time with the nearest due date in order to give you the best chance of meeting all your goals. The Where did this goal come from? link will provide details about the individual assigned goals for each reporting group. If you have further questions about any of your weekly or monthly learning assigned goal, contact the administrator for the reporting group which assigned it.{{/rr5}}
- Is your time zone set correctly? For the purpose of tracking your daily goals, a day consists of the 24-hour period from midnight to midnight in the time zone you selected in your {{#tlo}}user profile{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}account settings{{/rr5}}. If you have the wrong time zone selected, goals may be tracked incorrectly. {{^phone}}{{#web}}Click in the upper right-hand part of the screen, then select Account Information in the menu which appears{{/web}}{{#mobile}}Tap your username at the top of the screen, then select {{#tlo}}View Profile to display your user profile{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}Account Options{{/rr5}}{{/mobile}}. Check your time zone and update it if necessary.{{/phone}}{{#rr5}} Note: For weekly assigned goals set by a reporting group administrator, a week runs from 12:00am Sunday to 11:59pm Saturday, based on the time zone chosen by the administrator (which may or may not be the same as the time zone that you chose). Monthly assigned goals run from 12:00am on the first day of the month to 11:59pm on the last day, again based on the time zone that the administrator indicated. The Where did this goal come from? link will tell you what time the assigned goals are due in your own time zone, so you should try to complete the goal by the day and time listed based on your local time.{{/rr5}}
{{#mobile}}- Did you complete your learning time in offline mode? If so, your goal and streak information may not be updated until you sync.
{{#rr5}}- Are you trying to manually add time to past days? The Add Time feature allows you to get create journal entries to get credit for language learning outside of this program. You can make journal entries for days in the past, which will appear in your journal entry reports. However, only journal entries for the current day will count toward completing a goal.
- Do you often forget to log in and complete your goal? You may be able to {{#tlo}}{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}{{/rr5}}sign up to receive notifications when you haven't completed your daily learning goal or when your streak is about to be broken. (This feature may not be available in all versions of the program.)
If you still have issues with your daily goals and streaks, contact our Technical Support.
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