Subordinating conjunctions generally join a subordinate or dependent clause to the principal clause in a complex sentence. They can also join adverbial modifiers to the predicate in a simple sentence. (see also Syntax and Complex Sentences.)
Simple Conjunctions:
1. The conjunction "if" - [ka] کَه introduces adverbial clauses of condition:
کَه دَی ښٌه لامْبُو وَهى نُو تٌر سینْد بٌه پٌه لامْبُو تېر شى.
"If he swims well, he will swim across the river."
2. The conjunction "that" - [che] چی introduces various types of subordinate clauses, including predicative clauses, attributive clauses, object clauses, clauses of place, and clauses of purpose:
هَغَه کالى چی دې پیرُودٌلی ، دٌ اَغُوسْتٌلُو وَړ دى .
"The clothes that you bought are comfortable to wear."
This conjunction in combination with the pronouns "who" -څُوک , "what" - څٌه , "this"- دَغَه , and "that" - هَغَه introduces subject clauses:
هَغَه سَړى چی زْما سَرَه خَبٌرى کَوٌلې کُور تَه وْلاړ .
That man who talked to me went home."
3. The conjunction "so as to" - [tso] څُو introduces adverbial clauses of purpose:
لُور ښار تَه راغْلَه څُو دٌ خْپٌلې مَلْگٌرې پُوښْتٌنى تَه وْلاړَه شى .
The daughter came to the town so as to visit her friend."
4. The conjunction "so" -[dzÁka] ڂٌکَه introduces adverbial clauses of result:
"Today I am ill so I do not work." - نٌن زُه ناجُوړَه یٌم ڂٌکَه کار نَه کَوٌم.
5. The conjunction "then" - [no] نُو begins the principal clause if the subordinate clause is about time or condition. It cannot be translated into English.
کَه دَی ښٌه لامْبُو وَهى نُو تٌر سینْد بٌه پٌه لامْبُو تېر شى.
"If he swims well, he will swim across the river."
Composite Conjunctions:
1. The following conjunctions are used in adverbial clauses of time: "when" - [kÁla che] کٌلَه چی , "as soon as" - [har kÁla che] هَر کٌلَه چی , "every time when" - [har wakht che] هَر وَخْت چی , "while" - [hágha wakht che] هَغَه وَخْت چی , "after" - [pas lA de che] پَس لٌه دې چی , "before" - [dA mAkha tAr de che] دٌ مٌخَه تٌر دې چی , "since" - [lA de wakht na che] لٌه دې وَخْت نَه چی , "till" - [tAr hágha wakht che] - تٌر هَغَه وَخْت چی .
کله چی زٌه هلک وم مېوې مې خوښولې .
"When I was a boy I liked fruits."
2. The conjunctions "although" - [ka tsA ham] کَه څٌه هَم and "despite the fact of" - [sará lA de che] سَرَه لٌه دې چې introduce adverbial clauses of concession:
سَرَه لٌه دې چی هَوا بَدَه وَه ، مُوږ ښٌه حاصِل ټُول کْړ .
"Though the weather was bad, we got a rich harvest."
3. The conjunction "because" - [dzÁka che] ڂٌکَه چې introduces adverbial clauses of cause:
زٌه ډېر کار کَوٌم ڂٌکَه چی غْواړٌم دٌ کُورَنۍ سَرَه مْرَسْتَه وُکْړٌم.
"I work a lot because I want to help my family."
See Also: