Adverbs of manner point out the qualitative features of a state or action. There are simple and compound adverbs of manner:
a) simple adverbs:
"slowly" - [wro] وْرُو ,
"quickly" - [zhAr] ژٌر ,
"backwards" - [bérta] بېرْتَه ,
"suddenly" - [naatsaápa] ناڅاپَه
b) compound adverbs:
"very slowly" - [wro-wro] وْرُو وْرُو ,
"very quickly" -[zhAr-zhAr] ژٌر ژٌر
"necessarily" - [harú-marú] هَرُو مَرُو .
"Do not speak so fast, speak slowly." - ژٌر ژٌر خَبٌرې مَه کَوۍ ، وْرُو خَبٌرې کَوۍ .
"I'll necessarily go to a city. - زٌه بٌه هَرُو مَرُو ښار تَه وْلاړ شٌم .
See Also: