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Adverb Formation

Adverbs can be formed in the following ways:

a) by combining two words: for example, adverb + adverb:

"back and forth" - [shaa ta mAkh ta] شا تَه مٌخ تَه
= "forth" - [m
Akh ta] مٌخ تَه + "back" - [shaa ta] شا تَه

b) by doubling a word: for example, adjective + the same adjective:

"very much" - [Der Der] ډېر ډېر
= "many" - [Der]
ډېر + "many" - [Der] ډېر

c) by doubling a word and adding a link element:

"here and there" - [dzaay pA dzaay] ڂای په ڂای
= "place" - [dzaay] ڂای
+ په + "place" - [dzaay]ڂای

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