Adverbs of degree and measure characterize the intensity of an action or state. The most popular adverbs of this type are listed below:
a) simple adverbs:
"very" - [khwaraá] خْوَرا ,
"quite" - [bekhí] بېخى ,
"a little" - [lAGh] لٌږ ,
"a little" - [kam] کَم ,
"much" - [Der] ډېر ,
"much" - [zyaat] زیات
b) compound adverbs:
"very much" - [Der-Der] ډېر ډېر ,
"a bit" - [lAGh-lAGh] لٌږ لٌږ ,
"in parts" - [bárkha-bárkha] بَرخَه بَرخَه .
"It often rains in autumn." - [pA mÁni baaraán Der óri] پٌه مٌنى باران ډېر اُورى .
"The house of my brother is very big." - زْما دٌ وْرُور کُور خْوَرا لُوی دئ .
See Also: