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Adverbial Participles

The adverbial participle is a form of a verb that shows the relationship between elements of the predicate in a sentence. In Korean, there are many adverbial participles. Adverbial participles are formed with various suffixes that are added to the stem of the verb:

Verb stem + SUFFIX

Note: Some suffixes can be added to the tense suffix, so there are adverbial participles that have tense.


The main adverbial participles in Korean are the following:

  1. The connective adverbial participle - "and also", "and then doing", - (으)ㄴ/는데 "and", "but", "so"

    The form -고 is used to enumerate a list of facts, to connect actions that happen during the same period of time, and to connect actions and events that follow each other one by one.

    그 사람은 모자를 벗고 들어갔습니다. "He took off his hat and came in."

    하늘은 높고 강은 깊어요. "The sky is high and the river is deep."

    The form - (으)ㄴ/는데 has multiple purposes in Korean. It is used with verbs in the first clause of a sentence to show that they lead into the action in the second clause. It can also express various meanings - time, reason, condition etc.

    비가 오는데 밖에 나가지 않겠습니다. "It is raining and I will not go out."

    돈이 많은데 살 물건이 없습니다. "I have money, but there is nothing to buy."

  2. The coordinative adverbial participle - (으)며 "and", "while"

    This form is used to connect two actions that occur at the same time when the subject in both clauses is the same, and to connect two actions without any implication.

    동생이 눈을 비비며 일어났어요. "My little brother rubbed his eyes and got up."

    장미는 예쁘며 향기도 좋아요. "Roses are pretty and have a nice fragrance."

  3. The adverbial participle of purpose - "for the purpose of", "in order to"

    This form is used only with the motion verbs 가다 and 오다. It expresses an intention or goal.

    그들은 의사를 부르러 나갔어요."They went for the purpose of calling a doctor."

    편지를 보내러 우체국으로 갔어요. "I went to the post office to send a letter."

  4. The adverbial participle of intention -고자 "so that", "in order to"

    This form is used only with action verbs. It expresses the intention or aspiration of the speaker.

    나는 친구들을 만나고자 다방에 갔어요. "I went to the tea-house in order to meet with my friends."

  5. The adverbial participle of result -도록 "until", "so that"

    This form shows the limit of an action or the final goal of an action. It cannot be used with tense suffixes.

    어제 밤이 새도록 일했어요. "Yesterday, I worked all night long (until the night dawned)."

    교통사고가 나지 않도록 조심하십시오. "Be careful so as not to get into a traffic incident."

  6. The adverbial participle of immediate action - or -자마자 "as soon as", "when", "and at once"

    This form shows that a second action follows immediately after the first one.

    서울에 도착하자마자 친구에게 전화했어요. "As soon as I arrived in Seoul, I called my friend."

    집에 오자마자 밥을 먹었어요. "I had a meal as soon as I got home."

  7. The adverbial participle of attendant action -면서 "while… the same time"

    This form shows that two actions or states happen at the same time, and the subject of both clauses is the same.

    그는 일하면서 공부합니다. "He studies and works (at the same time)."

    우리는 모두 노래를 부르면서 산에 올라갔습니다. "We all sang as we went up the mountain."

  8. The adverbial participle of intensification - (으)ㄹ 수록 "increasingly with", "the more"

    This form shows an ongoing increase in an action or state.

    이 책을 읽을 수록 재미있습니다. "The more I read this book, the more interesting it is."

    Note: Sometimes the verb in this construction is repeated with the suffix - (으)면.

    여행을 하면 할수록 견문이 넓어집니다. "The more I travel, the broader my experience becomes."

  9. The adverbial participle of interruption -다 (가) "did (was) and then"

    This form shows that one action is followed by a second action, which usually interrupts the first one.

    학교에 가다가 친구를 만났어요. "On my way to school, I met a friend of mine."

    잡지를 읽다가 텔레비젼을 봤습니다. "I read a book for a while and then watched TV."

  10. The adverbial participles of condition - (으)면 "if", "when", -거든"provided that", "when", and - (으)ㄹ 진대 "if", "when"

    The form - (으)면 is used to show the prerequisite condition of the next action.

    돈이 충분하면 서울로 가겠습니다. "If I have enough money, I will go to Seoul."

    가을이 되면 낙엽이 떨어집니다. "When autumn comes, leaves fall down from the trees."

    The form -거든 is used to express a subjective condition or supposition. The following clause is usually in the imperative or propositive form.

    누나한테서 전화가 오거든 연락해라. "If my elder sister calls, please get in touch with me."

    The form - (으)ㄹ 진대 is used to show that the second action is natural and expected, but it stresses that the first action is the condition for the second clause.

    세계평화를 염려할진대 핵무기 생산을 왜 안 막으리오. "If one is concerned about world peace, what reason is there not to stop the production of nuclear weapons?"

  11. The adverbial participles of concession -더라도 "even though", - (으)ㄹ 지라도 "regardless of", "although", and - (으)ㄴ 들 "granted that", "even though"

    The form -더라도 acknowledges the truth of the first clause, but stresses that the second action is required.

    좀 어렵더라도 끝내 해 내겠어요. "I don't care that it is difficult, even though I will finish it."

    The form - (으)ㄹ 지라도 shows that even if the first action or state seems to be impossible or hypothetical, the second action nevertheless must be done.

    나는 날씨가 좋지 않을지라도 떠나겠소. "I intend to leave even if the weather should be bad."

    The form - (으)ㄴ 들 acknowledges the truth of the first clause, but stresses that the second action will occur regardless of the preceding one.

    그 분 고집이 세니 얘기한들 뭘 해요? "He is so stubborn, so what is the point of talking to him?"

  12. The adversative adverbial participles - (으)나 "it is… but", -거니와 "not only…but also", "and even more", and - (으)려니와 "not only…but also", "moreover"

    The form (으)나 shows that the second clause does not confirm the truth of the first clause.

    약을 먹었으나 감기가 아직도 낫지 않았습니다. "I took medicine, but I haven't recovered yet."

    This form is also used after several clauses of opposite meaning to express either this or that, when the final action will happen regardless of the previous ones.

    앉으나 서나 그대 생각을 해요. "I am always thinking of you (regardless whether I sit or stand)."

    The form -거니와 acknowledges a pre-existing truth, but stresses that the fact mentioned in the second clause is greater or lesser than that pre-existing truth.

    여름에는 날씨도 덥거니와 습기도 많아요. "In summer it is not only hot, it is also very humid."

    The form -(으)려니와 shows that the second clause is entirely to be expected. If the subject is the first person, it can also express an intention.

    오늘은 기분도 좋으려니와 날씨도 아주 좋군요. "Not only am I in a fine mood today, but the weather is also very good."

  13. The adversative-concessive adverbial participles -지만 "though" and - (으)나마 "but anyway", "however"

    The form -지만 shows the contrast or difference between the first and the second clauses.

    그 사람은 키가 작지만 마음은 큽니다. "Though he is short in height, he has a big heart."

    The form -(으)나마 is used to express the meaning "unsatisfactory though it may be."

    맛은 좋지 않으나마, 좀 들어 보세요. "I am sure the taste is not that good, but do please try some."

  14. The adverbial participles of cause -(으)므로 "because of", "since", -니 (까) "then…", "and so…", 어(아,여)서 "and so", "so as to", and -기로 "decides to do", "promises to do"

    The form -(으)므로 is used to express a reason or cause.

    그 아이는 워낙 혼자 있기를 좋아하므로 친구가 많지 않습니다. "Because she likes to be alone so much, she doesn't have many friends."

    The form -니 (까) is used to indicate that the first action is the reason for the second action. It usually expresses the subjective feelings of the speaker.

    날씨가 추우니까 따뜻한 옷을 입으십시오. "It is cold, so put on warm clothes."

    The form 어(아,여)서 is used to express that the first action is a reason for the second action. The reason is general, without personal subjectivity. Note: This form cannot be used with tense suffixes and the final clause cannot be in the imperative or propositive form.

    아이가 배가 아파서 울고 있습니다. "The child is crying because he has a stomachache."

    This form can also show that the first action happens in turn with the second action and both actions are connected. The first clause is always an action verb.

    시장에 가서 야채를 삽니다. "We go to the market and buy vegetables."

    The form -기로 indicates a course of action chosen by the subject. It is used with the verbs of determination.

    한국을 배우기로 작정했어요. "I've decided to learn Korean."

  15. The disjunctive adverbial participles -거나 (short form -) "whether…or…", -든지 "no matter what…"

    The form -거나 is used to list several actions or states.

    책을 읽거나 텔레비전을 보십시오. "Read a book or watch TV."

    The form -든지 is used to express the indifference to a choice.

    누구를 만나든지 친절히 대해야지요. "No matter whom you meet, you should treat him kindly."

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