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In Korean, a verb is used as the predicate of a sentence. Verbs are placed in the final position (meaning that the verb is the last word in a sentence).

There are two types of verbs in Korean: action verbs and descriptive verbs (adjectives). In most languages, such as English, adjectives form a separate part of speech, but in Korean it is more convenient to unite them with verbs, because they are both used as predicates and have the same grammatical categories. Verbs have tense, speech levels, and final endings.

Verb conjugation in the Korean language does not require agreement with the subject. Conjugated verb forms express the verb tense and the attitude of the speaker.

The dictionary form of a verb consists of a stem and ending 다:

STEM + 다

For example: 가다 "go", 먹다 "eat"

When a verb is conjugated, different suffixes are added to the stem.

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