Irregular verbs are those verbs that undergo changes when you attach endings to the stem.
잇다 "connect", 낫다 "recover", 짓다 "build"
These verbs lose the letter "ㅅ" in front of endings that begin with a vowel.
감기가 다 나았어요. (낫다) "My cold is all better." (I feel better")
이 줄을 이어서 씁시다. (잇다) "Let's tie this string and use it together."
Note: There are several verbs in this group that are used like regular verbs- 씻다 "wash", 빗다 "comb", 웃다 "laugh", 솟다 "rise", 벗다 "take off", 빼앗다 "snatch".
맵다 "hot, spicy", 춥다 "cold", 반갑다 "happy"
Before a vowel, the letter "ㅂ" is lost and the letter "ㅜ" or "ㅗ" is added.
매운 음식은 싫어요. (맵다) "I don't like hot food."
너무 반가우면 웃어요. (반갑다) "When I am very happy, I laugh."
Note: There are several verbs in this group that are used like regular verbs - 입다 "wear", 집다 "pick", 좁다 "narrow", 잡다 "catch", 넓다 "wide", 뽑다 "pull out", 접다 "fold", 씹다 "chew", 업다 "carry on the back", 붙잡다 "catch".
걷다 "walk", 듣다 "hear", 묻다 "ask"
These verbs change their final "ㄷ" to "ㄹ" before vowels.
회사에서 집까지 걸어와요. (걷다) "I walk from office to my home."
내가 물으면 대답하세요. (묻다) "Please answer, if I ask you."
Note: There are several verbs in this group that are used like regular verbs - 받다 "receive", 믿다 "believe", 닫다 "close", 얻다 "receive", 묻다 "bury", 쏟다 "pour".
부르다 "call", 흐르다 "flow", 고르다 "select"
Before the endings 아/어, the "ㅡ" drops and the "ㄹ" is doubled, in effect changing 아/어 to 라/러 (라 - after "ㅏ" and "ㅗ"; 러 after "ㅓ", "ㅜ", "ㅡ" and "ㅣ").
물건을 골라서 삽니다. (고르다) "I select things before I buy them."
제 친구가 동생을 불러요. (부르다) "My friend calls his little brother."
파랗다 "blue", 그렇다 "to be like that", 까맣다 "black"
Before a vowel, the letter "ㅎ" is dropped.
그러시면, 언제 만날까요? (그렇다) "In this case, when shall we meet?"
파란 옷이 매우 좋습니다. (파랗다) "I like blue clothes very much."
Note: There are several verbs in this group that are used like regular verbs - 많다 "many", 싫다 "dislike", 괜찮다 "ok", 낳다 "give birth", 좋다 "good", 넣다 "put in".
알다 "know", 울다 "cry", 만들다 "make"
These verbs lose the letter "ㄹ" before endings that begin with "ㄴ", "ㅂ", or "ㅅ".
아는 사람을 만났어요. (알다) "I met an acquaintance."
집에서 빵을 만드십니까? (만들다) "Do you make bread at home?"
See Also: