If necessary, you can change many aspects of your {{#tlo}}user profile{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}account settings{{/rr5}}. If you are not already on the {{#tlo}}User Profile{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}Account Settings{{/rr5}} screen, you can get there by {{^phone}}{{#web}}clicking{{/web}}{{^web}}tapping{{/web}} in the upper right-hand part of the screen, then selecting Account Information.{{/phone}}{{#phone}}tapping , then tapping your username and choosing Account Information to go to the main Account Options screen. On that screen, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} {{#tlo}}User Profile{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}Account Settings{{/rr5}}.{{/phone}}
Note: Any fields that are marked with an asterisk on the {{#tlo}}User Profile{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}Account Settings{{/rr5}} screen are required. All other fields are optional.{{#mobile}} In offline mode, your {{#tlo}}profile{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}settings{{/rr5}} can only be viewed, not edited.{{/mobile}}{{#tlo}} The profile features may not be available in all versions of the program and are not available for guest accounts.{{/tlo}}
{{^mobile}}Note: If you do not want to change your password at this time, leave all the fields in this section blank.
Note: The Import Learning History section is not available for all users.
{{/mobile}}{{/tlo}} {{#rr5}}{{^mobile}}Note: To find the rollover code for your other account, log into the CL-150 with that account, {{#web}}click in the header, select Account Options, then click Account Settings{{/web}}{{#phone}}tap , then tap your username and choose Account Options to go to the main Account Options screen. On that screen, tap Account Settings{{/phone}}. On the Account Settings screen, find the Rollover Code in the Account Information section. Copy or write down the code, then log out of that account and return to this one before entering the code.
Note: The Rollover section is not available for all users.
{{/mobile}}{{/rr5}} {{^mobile}}At any time, you can also{{#phone}} tap to check your goal progress, tap to display your notifications, or tap and{{/phone}} do any of the following: