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Configuring Daily Refreshers

If you {{#tlo}}{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}{{/rr5}}sign up for Daily Refreshers, you will need to choose the languages for which you want to receive the notifications. These language settings apply both to Daily Refresher browser notifications (if available) and to Daily Refresher emails, whichever you have enabled.

To configure Daily Refreshers:

  1. The Daily Refresher Configuration screen shows all the languages in which you currently have learned vocab. {{^phone}}Mark the checkbox beside{{/phone}}{{#phone}}Select{{/phone}} each language for which you want Daily Refresher emails{{#phone}} by tapping on it. Selected languages will show a checkmark{{/phone}}.
  2. If you no longer want Daily Refresher notifications in a language that you previously selected, {{^phone}}clear the checkbox beside it{{/phone}}{{#phone}}tap it again to deselect it{{/phone}}. You can also unsubscribe from all Daily Refreshers by {{^phone}}clearing{{/phone}}{{#phone}}turning off{{/phone}} the Daily Refresher options on the {{#tlo}}User Profile{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}Account Settings{{/rr5}} screen.
  3. When you have finished selecting languages, close the Daily Refresher Configuration screen.

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