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Proper Nouns

Proper nouns are words used to designate a specific individual, or a specific thing, or a set of specific individuals or things.

In writing, proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.

Napoléon (Napoleon)
L'Espagne (Spain)
Les Français (The French)
Les Alpes (The Alps)

Compare the proper nouns (capitalized) with common nouns:

le Président et l'Assemblée Nationale; le président de mon club
(the President and the Congress; the president of my club)

l'Hôpital Saint Luc; un nouvel hôpital
(St. Luke's Hospital; a new hospital)

Proper nouns are:

First and last names of individuals, dynasties, groups of people, organizations:

Joseph Lebrun, les Français, la Croix Rouge
(Joseph Lebrun, the French, the Red Cross)

Geographical names of countries, cities, rivers, mountains:

l'Italie, Rome, le Rhin, les Alpes
(Italy, Rome, the Rhine, the Alps)

Historical events and holidays:

la Prise de la Bastille, Noël
(Bastille Day, Christmas)

See Also:

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