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Noncount Nouns

Some nouns have only a singular form. They are referred to as noncount nouns:

Nouns used in general to indicate a whole group of similar items:

équipement (equipment), courier (mail), argent (money), etc.

Nouns of materials:

le café (coffee), la glace (ice), l'or (gold), le papier (paper), du bois (wood), l'air (air), l'oxygène (oxygen), etc.


le temps (weather), le brouillard (fog), le feu (fire), etc.

See also the use of Partitive Articles with nouns of materials and nature.

Abstract nouns:

la beauté (beauty), la confiance (confidence), la santé (health), l'odorat (the sense of smell), le goût (taste), etc.

Sports, games, and activities:

le tennis (tennis), la course (race), le football (soccer), la pêche (fishing), etc.

See Also:

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