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Masculine Nouns

Generally, nouns referring to male beings are masculine; nouns referring to female beings are feminine.

un homme (a man); une fille (a girl)
un chat (a cat); une chatte (a female cat)

Some endings can indicate gender:

Masculine Endings:

Normally, nouns with the following endings are masculine:

-acle le miracle (the miracle); le spectacle (the spectacle)
-age le village (the village), le passage (the passage)
-ail le travail (work), l'ail (garlic)
-al le cheval (the horse), le journal (the newspaper)
-as le tas (the heap), le bas (the bottom)
-et le cabinet (the cabinet), le paquet (the package)
-eu/eux le feu (the fire), le jeu (the game), le sérieux (seriousness)
-eur le coiffeur (the hairdresser), le compresseur (the compressor)
-in/ain/ein le pain (bread), le frein (the brake)
-is le radis (the radish), le tapis (the carpet)
-isme le racisme (racism), le cyclisme (biking)
-ment l'établissement (the establishment), le changement (the change)
-oir le devoir (the duty), le pouvoir (the power)
-ou le trou (the hole), le fou (the madman)

The gender may also be determined by the meaning of the noun.

Nouns which identify the following are masculine:

letters of the alphabet
days of the week, months, seasons, holidays
metals, chemical products
trees, shrubs, bushes
flowers, fruits and vegetables not ending in e
rivers not ending in e
sciences and scholarly disciplines
wines, spirits, and cheeses
nouns borrowed from English

See Also:

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