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Noun Formation

Noun Suffix Formation

Masculine and feminine nouns can be created by adding different suffixes to the stems of verbs, nouns, and adjectives.

1. Masculine

1.1 Suffix formation from non-verbal stems:

a) several suffixes denote a person (a representative of some occupation, a position, a tribe, an owner of something, an inhabitant of some place, and so on):

[-gár] - گر

"weigher" - [tolgár] تُولْگَر گَر=+ "weight" - [tol] تُول

[-waalaá] - والا

"shop-keeper" - [dukaanwaalaá] دُکان والا = والا + "shop" - [dukaán] دُکان

[-waál] - وال

"participant" - [barkhawaál] بَرْخَه وال = وال + "part" - [bárkha] بَرْخَه

[-waan] - وان

"gardener" - [baaghwaán] باغوان = وان + "garden" - [baagh] باغ

[-i] - ى

"swindler" - [chalí] چَلى = ى + "swindle" - [chal] چَل

[-bá] - بَه

"guide" - [laarbá] لارْبَه = بَه + "road" - [laar] لار

[-záy] - زَی

"man from the tribe of akhmadzay" - [akhmadzáy] اَحْمَدْزَی

[-gÁray] - گٌرَی

"reaper" - [lawgÁray]لَوْگٌرَی = گٌرَی + "harvest" - [law] لَو

[-chí] - چى

"spectator" - [nAndaarchí] نٌنْدارچى = چى+ "show" - [nAndaará] نٌنْدارَه

[-yaál] - یال

"correspondent" - [khabaryaál] خَبَریال = یال + "news" - [khabár] خَبَر

[-maár] - مار

"clown" - [Tokmaár] ټُوکْمار = مار + "joke" - [Tóka] ټُوکَه

b) some suffixes indicate the location of something:

[-dzáy] - ڂَی

"faculty" - [pohAndzáy] پُوهٌنْڂَی =ڂَی + "knowledge" - [pohÁna] پُوهٌنَه

[-tún] - تُون

"university" - [pohAntún] پُوهٌنْتُون = تُون + "knowledge" - [pohÁna] پُوهٌنَه

[-ghaálay] - غالَی

"fireplace" - [orghaálay]اُورغالی = غالی + "fire" - [or] اُور

c) some suffixes denote an abstract meaning:

[-tób] - توب

"need" -[aRtób]اَړْتُوب = تُوب + "needy" - [aR] اَړ

[-waálay] - والَی

"cleanness" - [paakwaálay] پاکْوالَی = والی + "clean" - [paak] پاک

[-AKht] - ښت

"building" - [joRÁKht] جُوړٌښْت = ښت + "built" -[joR] جُوړ

d) some suffixes act as diminutives:

[-ák] - ک

"lion cub" - [zmarák] زْمَرَک = ک + "lion" - [zmaráy] زْمَرَی

[-úkay] - وکَی

"a small lake" - [DanDúkay] ډَنْډُوکَی = وکی + "lake" - [DanD] ډَنْډ

[-gÁRay] - گړی

"kid" - [wuzgÁRay] وُزْگٌړَی = گٌړَی + "billy-goat" - [wuz] وُز

1.2 Suffix formation from verbal stems:

a) some suffixes express an action:

[-ún] - ون

"treaty" - [taRún] تَړُون = ون + "to connect" - [taRÁl] تَړٌل

[-aák] - اک

"drink" - [tsAKhaák] څٌښاک = اک + "to drink" - [tsAKhÁl] څٌښٌل

b) some suffixes represent an active person:

[-ánd] - نْد

"eater" - [khuránd] خُورَنْد = ند + "to eat" - [khwaRÁl] خْوَړٌل

[-andóy] - ندوی

"policeman" - [tsaarandóy]څارَنْدُوی = نْدُوی + "to observe" - [tsaarÁl] څارٌل

2. Feminine

2.1 Suffix formation from non-verbal stems:

a) suffixes denoting a person:

To produce feminine nouns from masculine nouns, the suffixes [-gár] - گَر and [waál] - وال are replaced by [-a] - ه.

"weigher (woman)" - [tolgára] تُولْگَره - "weigher (man)" - [tolgár] تُولْگَر

"participant (woman)" - [barkhawaála] بَرْخَه واله - "participant (man)" - [barkhawaál] بَرْخَه وال

The suffix [-gÁray] - گٌرَی is changed to the suffix [-gÁre] - گٌرې

"friend (woman)" - [malgÁre] مَلْگٌرې "friend (man)" - [malgÁray] مَلْگٌرَی

The suffix [-i] - ى   is changed to the suffix [-Áy] - ۍ.

"a woman from Kabul" - [kaabulÁy] کابُلۍ "a man from Kabul" - [kaabulí] کابُلى

the suffix [-ba] - به the suffix [-baná] - بَنَه

"guide (woman)" - [laarbaná] لارْبَنَه "guide" - [laarbá] لارْبَه

b) suffixes with abstract meanings:

[-tyaá] - تیا or [-tob] - توب

"need" - [aRtyaá] اَړْتیا = تیا + "needy" - [aR] اَړ

"lightness" - [asaantyaá] اسانتیا = [asaantób] اسانْتُوب

[-i] - ى (adopted from Dari):

"greatness" - [-loyí] لُویى = ى + "great" - [loy] لُوی

[-walí] - وَلى

"fatherhood" - [plaarwalí] پْلارْوَلى = وَلى + "father" - [plaar] پْلار

[-waála] - واله

"unity" - [yawwaála] یوْوالَه = واله + "one" - [yaw] یو

[-galwí] - گَلْوى

"leadership" - [bumyaagalwí]بُومیاگَلْوى = گَلْوى + "leader" - [bumyaá] بُومیا

[-a] - ه

"resolution" - [Tínga] ټینْگَه = ه + "resolute" - [Ting] ټینْگ

c) suffixes that act as diminutives:

The suffixes [-úke] - وکې and [-gÁRe] - گړې for feminine nouns correspond to the suffixes [-úkay] - وکَی and [-gÁRay] گٌړَی for masculine nouns:

"a little goat" - [ wuzgÁRe] وُزْگٌړې = گٌړې + "goat" - [wuz] وُز

2.2 Suffix formation from verbal stems:

[-Ána] - نه

"inspection" - [katÁna] کَتٌنَه = نَه + "to look" - [katÁl] کَتٌل

[-aá] - ا

"laughing" - [khandaá] خَنْدا = ا + "to laugh" - [khandÁl] خَنْدٌل

Word Combination

Nouns can be produced by different ways. For example, by combining:

a) noun + noun:

"children" - زُوی لُور = "daughter" - لُور + "son" - زُوی

b) noun + [o] + noun:

"parents" - [moroplaár] موروپلار = "father" - پلار +و + "mother" - مُور

c) noun + participle:

"leader" - [laar Khowúnkay] لار ښُووُنْکَی = "showing" - ښُووُنْکَی + "road" - لار

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