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Noun Cases

Nouns in Pashto have three cases: direct, indirect, and vocative.

Direct Case:

The direct case is the basic form of a noun. Nouns in the direct case can act as the subject of a sentence, as a direct object, or as part of a compound nominal predicate.

Indirect Case:

Nouns in the indirect case are used in combination with prepositions and postpositions to connect to other words in a phrase. The singular form of the indirect case varies depending on the type of the noun. (See Number.)

The plural form of the indirect case is formed by changing the last vowel of a stem or of the plural suffix into -و [-o]).

Some masculine nouns of type I or II have an Indirect II case which is used after numerals and with some prepositions and postpositions, such as "from" - [lA....tskha] له .... څْخَه , [dA ….tskha] د ... څْخَه "till" - [tAr….póre] تٌر....پُوری )

Vocative Case:

Nouns in the vocative case are used to address people in direct speech. The singular form of the vocative case also varies depending on the type of the noun. (See Number.) The plural form of vocative case is the same as the plural form of the indirect case, which is based on the type of the noun.

See Also:

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