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Entering Authorization Codes

{{#rr5}}USG and designated Partner Nations personnel{{/rr5}}{{#tlo}}Individuals{{/tlo}} who have been given an authorization code by {{#rr5}}a CL-150 Administrator{{/rr5}}{{#tlo}}an administrator{{/tlo}} may register to access {{#rr5}}the CL-150{{/rr5}}{{#tlo}}Transparent Language Online{{/tlo}} by entering their authorization code. After registration, users may log into {{#rr5}}the CL-150{{/rr5}}{{#tlo}}Transparent Language Online{{/tlo}} to access the{{#rr5}} CL-150 Platform's{{/rr5}} language learning programs, content, and services.

To enter an authorization code:

  1. Type or paste an authorization code into the Authorization Code field on the screen. {{#rr5}}Authorization codes have eight characters{{/rr5}}{{#tlo}}Authorization codes can have up to 64 characters{{/tlo}} and are not case-sensitive.
  2. When you have entered the code, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} Continue. If the code is valid, the next registration screen will appear.

Note: You can use the Log In tab to return to the Login screen if necessary. You can also {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} Supported Languages for a list of all the available languages in your version of the application, or {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} System Requirements for a list of the current requirements to run the program.{{^mobile}} To change the interface language used for buttons, help files, and text on the screen, {{^phone}}click the round flag button in the upper right-hand corner (for example, Change Interface Language). Note: The flag shown depends on the selected interface, so the appearance of this button varies.{{/phone}}{{#phone}}tap Menu and select Interface Options.{{/phone}}{{/mobile}}

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