Ordinal numerals express the order of objects - first, second, third, etc.
Ordinal numerals have masculine and feminine forms. The masculine form is created by adding the ending [-Ám] - م to the cardinal numbers. (If the cardinal number ends in the vowels [aa] ا or [i] ى , add [-yÁm] - یم instead.) The feminine form is created by adding the ending [-Áma] - مَه to the cardinal numbers. (If the cardinal number ends in the vowels [aa] ا or [i] ى , add [-yÁma] یمَه instead.)
"four" - څَلُور → "fourth" - [tsalorÁ́m ] څَلُورٌم → [tsalorÁma ] څَلُورٌمَه
"seventy" - اُویا → "seventieth" - [awyaayÁm ] اُویایم→ [awyaayÁma ] اُویایمَه
The numerals "seven" - اُوٌه , "eight" - اَتٌه , and "sixty" - شْپېتٌه have the masculine ending [-m] - م and the feminine ending [-ma] - مه :
"eight" - اَتٌه→ "eighth" - [atÁm ] اَتٌم → [atÁma ] اَتٌمَه
The word "second" has the masculine ending [-hÁm] - هٌم and the feminine ending [-hÁma] - هٌمَه.
"two" - دْوَه → "second" - [dwohÁm] دْوَهٌم → [dwohÁma ] دْوَهٌمَه
There are three variants of the word "first" - two Pashtun and one Arabic:
Masculine |
Feminine |
[lumRáy] لُومْړَی |
[lumRÁy] لُومْړۍ |
[Rumbáy] ړُومْبَی |
[RumbÁ́y] ړُومْبۍ |
[awwál] اَوَل |
[awwála] اَوَلَه |
Ordinal numerals are declined like "weak" adjectives:
("second" - دْوَهٌم , "fourth" - څَلُورٌم , "eighth" - اَتٌم )
Case |
Singular Number |
Plural Number |
Masculine |
Feminine |
Masculine |
Feminine |
Direct |
[dwahÁm] - دْوَهٌم [tsalorÁm]- څَلُورٌم [atÁm] - اَتٌم |
[dwahÁma]- دْوَهٌمه [tsalorÁma]-څَلُورٌمه [atÁma] - اَتٌمه |
[dwahÁm] - دْوَهٌم [tsalorÁm]- څَلُورٌم [atÁm] - اَتٌم |
[dwahÁmi]- دْوَهٌمی [tsalorÁmi]-څَلُورٌمی [atÁmi ] - اَتٌمی |
Indirect |
[dwahÁm] - دْوَهٌم [tsalorÁ́m]- څَلُورٌم [atÁm] - اَتٌم |
[dwahÁmi]- دْوَهٌمی [tsalorÁmi]-څَلُورٌمی [atÁmi ] - اَتٌمی |
[dwahÁmo ] - دْوَهٌمُو [tsalorÁmo ] - څَلُورٌمُو [atÁmo ] - اَتٌمُو |
See Also: