Most cardinal numerals have no gender. The exceptions are "one " - یو and "two " - دْوَه . The numeral "one " - یو has a masculine form in the indirect case - یوٌه. It also has a feminine form in the direct case - یوَه and a feminine form in the indirect case -یوې . The word "two " - دْوَه has the feminine form دوې .
All cardinal numerals have a plural form in the indirect case, which ends in [-o]و .
Numbers 1-10:
١ "one "- [yaw] یو
٢ "two " - [dwa] دْوَه
٣ "three " - [dre] دْرې
٤ "four "-[tsalór]څَلُور
٥ "five "-[pindzÁ]پِنْڂٌه
٦ "six "-[shpaGh] شْپَږ
٧ "seven "-[owÁ]اُوٌه
٨ "eight "-[atÁ]اَتٌه
٩ "nine "-[nA]نٌه
١٠ "ten "-[las]لَس
The numerals from 11 to 19 are established by adding "ten " - لَس to the previous numbers. For example:
"eighteen " - اَتٌه لَس = "ten " - لَس + "eight " - اته .
Places where the numbers have to be changed are marked below.
Numbers 11-20:
١١ "eleven "[yawólas]یوُولَس
١٢ "twelve " [dwólas] دوولس
١٣ "thirteen "[dyarlás]دیَرْلَس
١٤ "fourteen " [tswarlás]څْوَرْلَس
١٥ "fifteen " [pindzÁlas] پِنْڂٌلَس
١٦ "sixteen "[shpaáRas ] شْپاړَس
١٧ "seventeen " [owÁlas] اُوٌلَس
١٨ "eighteen " [atÁlas] اَتٌه لَس
١٩ "nineteen " [núnas] نُونَس
٢٠ "twenty " [shAl] شٌل
The numerals from 21 to 29 are formed by adding "twenty " - ویشت (not شٌل ) to the numbers from 1 to 9. Places where the numbers have to change are marked below:
Numbers 21-30:
٢١ "twenty one " [yawwísht] یوویشْت
٢٢ "twenty two " [dwawísht] دْوَه ویشْت
٢٣ "twenty three " [dArwísht] دٌرویشْت
٢٤ "twenty four " [tsalerwísht] څَلېرویشْت
٢٥ "twenty five " [pindzAwísht] پِنْڂٌه ویشْت
٢٦ "twenty six " [shpuGhwísht] شْپُږْویشْت
٢٧ "twenty seven " [owAwísht] اُوٌه ویشْت
٢٨ "twenty eight " [atAwísht] اَتٌه ویشْت
٢٩ "twenty nine " [nAhwísht] نٌه ویشْت
٣٠ "thirty " [dersh] دېرش
The numerals from 31 to 99 are established by adding the tens (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90) to the numbers from 1 to 9. The stress is always on the second component. In these compounds, the number "two " - [dwa] دْوَه is changed into [du] دُو and the number "six " - [shpaGh] شْپَږ is changed into [shpuGh] شْپُږ.
٣٢ "thirty two " [dudérsh] دُودېرش
Numbers 40-100 (tens):
٤٠ "forty " [tsalwéKht] څَلْوېښْت
٥٠ "fifty " [pindzós] پِنْڂُوس
٦٠ "sixty " [shpetÁ ] شْپېتٌه
٧٠ "seventy " [awyaá ] اَویا
٨٠ "eighty " [atyaá ] اَتیا
٩٠ "ninty " [ nAwí] نوى
١٠٠ "one hundred" [sAl] سٌل
The number "one hundred" سٌل has the following forms:
Case |
Number |
Singular |
Plural |
Direct |
[sAl] - سٌل |
[sawúna] - سوونه |
Indirect |
[sÁlo] - سٌلُو |
[sáwo] - سَوُو |
Indirect II |
[sáwa] - سَوَه |
_____ |
The numerals from 200 to 900 are formed by combining a number from 1-9 with + سَوَه ( "hundred " - سٌل ) in the singular form of the Indirect II case. For example:
"two " دوَه + "hundred " سَوَه → "two hundred " دْوَه سَوَه
The numerals from 101 to 999 are formed by combining the hundreds + the conjunction "and " - او + the numbers 1-99. For example:
"three hundred sixty five " - [dre sáwa au pindzAshpetÁ] دْرې سَوَه ُاو پِنْڂٌه شْپېتٌه
Higher Numerals:
"thousand " [zAr] زٌر
"one hundred thousand " [lak] لَک
"million " [milyón] ملیون
"ten million " [kroR] کْرُوړ
Numerals greater than 1000 are formed by combining thousands + the conjunction "and " - اَو + hundreds + the conjunction "and " - اَو + tens. For example:
"two thousand four hundred and thirty five " - دْوَه زٌرَه اَوُ څَلُور سَوَه اَو پِنْڂٌه دېرْش
Numbers which include the words "one hundred thousand " - لَک , "million " - مِلیون are formed in the same way:
Nouns are used with cardinal numerals in the plural form of the direct case:
"There are twelve months in a year. " - یو کال دْوُولَس میاشْتى دى.
"I have two brothers and four sisters. " - زٌه دْوَه وْرُوڼَه اَو څَلُور خْوېنْدى. لَرم
If the nouns have form II of the second case, this form is used after the numerals. For example:
"two friends " - دْوَه دُوسْتَه
Nouns used with cardinal numerals can be in the plural form of the indirect case if they are used with prepositions and postpositions:
دَی دٌ سَهار لٌه اَتُو بَجُو څْخَه دٌ مازدیگٌر تٌر پِنْڂُو بَجُو پُوری کار کَوى .
"He works from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m. "
The numeral "one " - یو often acts as an indefinite article:
"I see a man. " - زٌه یو سَړَی وینٌم.
There are many numerical words used with numerals to count people or things. To count people, use the noun "body" تَن with the numeral. If you are counting other things, there are other words to use:
"My sister has two children. " - زْما خُور دْوَه تَنه کُوچْنیان لَرى.
"I took ten apples in your garden. " - سْتا پٌه باغ کی مى لَس دانې مَڼې واخیسْتٌلې
"There are five rifles in our house. " - زْمُوږ پٌه کُور کی پِنْڂٌه میلَه ټُوپَکُونَه دى
If you do not know an exact number, you can use the term "about" - نٌږْدې :
زمُوږ پٌه کٌلى کی نٌږْدې دْوَه زٌرَه تَنَه سَړى اُوسېږى .
"About two thousand people live in our village. "
The word "both " - دْواړَه has the form in indirect case - دْواړُو :
"Both brothers built their own houses. " - دْواړُو وْرُوڼُو خْپٌل کُورُونَه جُوړ کْړٌل
Other such numerals can be made in same way, by adding -waáRa واړَه to numbers:
"all four" - څَلُورواړَه ;
"all five" - پِنْڂٌه واړَه
The cardinal numerals in combination with the preposition "in" - پٌه follow the number "one " - یو , mean "in a number of times":
"twice" - یو پٌه دْوَه ;
"in three times" - یو پٌه دْرې
See Also: