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Fractional Numerals

Fractional numerals can be built in several ways:

a) numerator + the preposition "on" - پٌر + denominator:

"two-thirds" - دْوَه پٌر دْرې

"three-fourths" - دْرې پٌر څَلُور

b) numerator as a cardinal numeral + denominator as an ordinal numeral:

"two-thirds" - دْوَه دْرېٌم

"three-fourths" - دْرې څَلُورٌم

c) if the numerator equals one, the words for "part" - بَرْخَه or حِصَه - are used:

"A minute is the sixtieth part of an hour." - دَقیقَه دٌ یوٌه ساعَت شْپېتٌمَه بَرْخَه دَه.

ساعت دٌ یوې وْرَڂى څَلُور ویشْتٌمَه حِصَه دَه .

"An hour is the twenty fourth part of a day."

Words such as "half" - نیم   and "quarter" - پاو are also used in fractional numerals.

The word "half" - نیم is placed after the whole number:

"three and half hundred" - دْرې نیم سَوَه

The word "quarter" - پاو can be placed after a numeral (in which case it is in the indirect II case), or it can be combined with the words "less" - کَم   and "above" - بانْدی :

"two quarters" - دْوَه پاوَه

"a quarter to four" - پاو کَم څَلُور

"five and a quarter" (lit. "a quarter above five") - پاو بانْدی پِنْڂٌه

The conjunction "and" is used between whole numbers and fractions:

"four and three-fifth" - څَلُور اَو دْرې پِنْڂٌم

"two and five-eighth" - دْوَه اَو پِنْڂٌه اَتٌم

In decimal fractions, the Arabic word "tenth" - 'ashāriyá عَشاریَه is used between the whole number and the decimal part, much like the English word "point":

"eight point four" - اَتٌه عَشاریَه څَلُور

"three point twenty six" - دْرې عَشاریَه شْپُږویشْت


Percents in Pashto are formed by taking the preposition "in" - پٌه + the word "hundred" in the indirect case - سٌلُو + the postposition کی + the number of the percent.

For example:

"35 %" - پٌه سٌلُو کی پِنْڂٌه دېرْش

"60 %" - پٌه سٌلُو کی شْپېتٌه

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