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Main Distinctions Between Dialects

As mentioned in the Introduction, Pashto has a number of dialects. This topic describes the main distinctions between the Northern and the Southern groups of dialects.

Abbreviations: N = Northern group of dialects; S = Southern group of dialects.


a) The letter [Kh] - ښ is pronounced in two ways:

N: it sounds similar to [kh]:

"Pashto" - [pakhtó] پَښْتُو

S: it sounds similar to [sh]:

"Pashto" - [pashtó] - پَښْتُو

b) The letter [Gh] - ږ is also pronounced in two ways:

N: it sounds similar to [g]:

"I understand" - [zA pohégAm] زٌه پُوهېږٌم

S: it sounds similar to [zh]:

"I understand" - [zA pohézhAm] زٌه پُوهېږٌم

c) The vowel [A] is changed into the vowel [u] in the Northern dialects:

N: "black radish" - [turb] تُرْب

S: "black radish" - [tArb] تٌرْب

d) The letter [yaa -yi maruf] ی is often pronounced differently at the end of words:

N: it is pronounced like the vowel [e]:

"son" - [zoe] زُوې , "me, us" - [me] مې , "you" - [de] دې , "man" - [saRe] سَړې, "distant" - [líre] لیرې

S: It is pronounced like the vowels [i] [y] or [ay]:

"son" - [zoy] زوی , "me, us" - [mi] مى , "you" - [di] دى , "man" - [saRay] سَړَی, "distant" - [líri] لیرى

e) In some words, the following sounds are used before the consonant [m]:

N: [n]:

"sun" - [nmar] نْمَر  , "grandson" - [nmasay] نْمَسَی

S: [l]:

"sun" - [lmar] لْمَر  , "grandson" - [lmasáy] لْمَسَی


a) Noun formation and endings may differ:

N: feminine nouns that end in consonants or in the stressed or unstressed [-a] -ه have the ending [-e] -ې in the singular indirect and plural direct forms:

"apple" - [maNá] مَڼَه → singular indirect = plural direct [maNé] مَڼې

"eye" - [stÁrga] سْتٌرْگَه singular indirect = plural direct [stÁrge] سْتٌرْگې

"needle" - [stAn] سْتٌن → singular indirect = plural direct [stÁne] سْتٌنې

S: feminine nouns that end in consonants and the unstressed [-a] -ه have the ending [-i] -ى in the singular indirect and plural direct forms. Feminine nouns that end in the stressed [-a] -ه have the ending [-e] in the singular indirect and plural direct forms:

"eye" - [stÁrga] سْتٌرْگَه singular indirect = plural direct [stÁrgi] سْتٌرْگى

"needle" - [stAn] سْتٌن → singular indirect = plural direct [stÁni] سْتٌنى

"apple" - [maNá] مَڼَه → singular indirect = plural direct [maNé] مَڼې

b) Different words are used in two dialects to denote the same thing, for example:


"summer" - [óRay] اُوړَی [dóbay] دُوبَی

"cheek" - [anangáy] اَنَنْگَی [baarkhú] بارخُو

"shoe" - [mocháNa] مُوچَڼَه [paNá] پَڼَه .


a) Potential participles are written in different ways:

N: potential participles end in [-a] -ه :

"can do" - [kawAláy] کَوٌلَی

"can write" - [likÁlay] لیکٌلَی

S: potential participles end in [-aa] -ا :

"can do" - [kawAlaáy] کَوٌلای

"can write" - [likÁlaay] لیکٌلای

b) Personal verb endings in the second person plural may differ:

N: [-Ay] -ۍ :

"you are" - [taáso yAy] تاسو یۍ or [taáso yaastÁy] تاسُو یاسْتۍ

"you were" - [taáso wAy] تاسُو وۍ

S: [-yaast] -یاست :

"you are - [taási yaast] تاسى یاسْت

"you were" - [taasi waast] تاسى واسْت

c) The past imperfective forms of transitive verbs in the third person in northern dialects have the ending [-o] -و :


"I was reading a book" - [maa kitaab lwastÁlo] ما کِتاب لْوَسْتٌلُو

"he was writing a letter" - [dA khat likÁlo] دٌه خَط لیکٌلُو


I was reading a book" - [maa kitaab lwost] ما کِتاب لْوُوسْت

"he was writing a letter" - [dA khat likÁ] دٌه خَط لیکٌه

d) Present verb forms in the passive voice use different forms of the word "to become" as auxiliary verbs:

N: [shwAl] شْوٌل :

"I am called" - [zA balAl shwAm] زٌه بَلٌل شْوٌم

S: [kedÁl] کېدل :

"I am called" - [zA balAl kéGhAm] زٌه بَلٌل کېږٌم

e) The verb "to go" has different past perfective forms in the two dialects:


"he went" - [day laaR] دَی لاړ


"he went" - [day wlaaR] دَی وْلاړ

f) The verb "to have" [larÁl] لَرٌل has different past imperfective forms in the two dialects:


"I had" - [maa larAlo] ما لَرٌلُو


"I had" - [maa darlod] ما دَرْلُود

g) The prefix [ke-] کی- and the related postposition have different variants in the two dialects:

N: [ke-] کې- :

"to sit down" - [kenastÁl] کېنَسْتٌل

S: [kKhe-] کښې-:

"to sit down" - [kKhenastÁl] کښېنَسْتٌل .

Prepositions and Postpositions:

a) Postpositions are usually used without prepositions in some northern dialects.

b) Northern dialects use the preposition "on" - [pA] پٌه instead of the preposition "on" - [pAr] پٌر . The northern dialects also use the postpositions [la] له or [lára] لَرَه instead of the postposition [ta] ته.


"on a tree" - [pA wúne baánde] پٌه وُنې بانْدی ;

"to the city" - [khaar la] ښار لَه


"on a tree" - [pAr wúni baándi] پٌر وُنى بانْدى

"to the city" - [shaar ta] ښار تَه

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