These pronouns are used in interrogative sentences and for replacing proper or common names.
누구 (누, 뉘 - short forms) |
"who", "someone" |
무엇 ( 뭐 - short forms) |
"what", "something" |
어디 |
"where", "somewhere" |
얼마 |
"how much", "several", "some" |
몇 |
"how many" (about the number of objects) |
언제 |
"when", "once" |
이것은 무엇입니까? "What's this?"
그는 언제 태어났니? "When was he born?"
There are special suffixes used with interrogative-indefinite pronouns to show an abstract, indefinite meaning:
(이)든지, (이)ㄴ지, (이)ㄴ가, (이)나
누구든지 "anybody"
어디나 "anywhere"
See Also: