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Selecting Learned Vocab to Practice

The Select Learned Vocab screen lets you choose which learned vocab items you want to practice with an activity. This screen appears if you choose the Selected Vocab Items option in the Learned Vocab category while Choosing Content for Activities.

To use the Select Learned Vocab screen:

  1. Read the name of the activity at the top of the window to verify that you have the correct one selected. To change it, {{^phone}}select a different activity from the menu{{/phone}}{{#phone}}tap Change{{/phone}}.
  2. Consult the table for a list of all your learned vocab items that meet the requirements for the selected activity. Each row will show the known language and learning language for a vocab item, along with its status as fresh or stale. (Archived vocab items are not shown, because they cannot be used in the activities.) To change how the information in the table is sorted, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} any column heading.
  3. Note: The automatic filters for each activity will hide any vocab items that do not meet the activity requirements. For example, vocab items that do not have learning language sound will not be available to select for Dictation, Listening Multiple Choice, Listening Recognition, or Pronunciation Practice. Only vocab items with such sound will be shown when any of those activities are selected. Similarly, only phrases with three or more words in the learning language will be shown for Unscramble and all of the Fill in the Blank activities.

  4. To find a specific learned vocab item or type of vocab item, do any of the following:
  5. {{/mobile}} {{#mobile}}
  6. To search for specific learned vocab items within the list of those available, use the menus and fields on the screen to enter your search criteria, then tap Search. The screen will be updated to show only vocab items that meet all of your criteria. The following search options are available:
  7. {{/mobile}} {{^phone}}
  8. When you have found the vocab items you want to practice, mark the checkboxes beside them. To select all the learned vocab items on the screen at once, mark the checkbox in the top heading.
  9. {{/phone}} {{#phone}}
  10. Tap and hold a vocab item to select it, then tap other vocab items to select them as well.
  11. {{/phone}}
  12. When have selected all the vocab items you want to use, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} Practice{{^phone}} Selected{{/phone}} to start the chosen activity with the selected vocab items. This option will only be available if you have selected enough appropriate content to run the activity.

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