The content requirements for each activity in {{#tlo}}Transparent Language Online{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}the CL-150{{/rr5}} are listed below:
Preview It: At least 4 vocab items
Recognize & Say It: At least 4 vocab items
Recognize & Write It: At least 4 vocab items
Produce & Say It: At least 4 vocab items
Produce & Write It: At least 4 vocab items
Pronunciation Practice: At least 4 vocab items with learning language sound
Multiple Choice: At least 4 vocab items (recording features will only be available for vocab items with learning language sound)
Matching: At least 4 vocab items
Dictation: At least 4 vocab items with learning language sound
Listening Multiple Choice: At least 4 vocab items with learning language sound
Listening Recognition: At least 4 vocab items with learning language sound
Four Square: At least 4 vocab items
Unscramble: At least 4 phrases with 3 or more words in the learning language
Language Comparison: At least 4 vocab items
Typing Tutor: At least 4 vocab items
Spelling Instructor: At least 4 vocab items
Multiple Choice (Fill in the Blank): At least 4 phrases with 3 or more words in the learning language
Dictation (Fill in the Blank): At least 4 phrases with 3 or more words in the learning language and learning language sound
Matching (Fill in the Blank): At least 4 phrases with 3 or more words in the learning language
The Test version of any activity has the same requirements as the regular activity.