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A suffix is a series of letters with no meaning of their own. Added to the end of a word, a suffix creates a new word. Most suffixes are added to a noun, a verb, or an adjective. The list of French suffixes is extensive. Some common suffixes are listed below:

Suffixes added to verbs:

discuter (to discuss): discutable (disputable)

-ade: bousculer (to shove): bousculade (rush)

loger (to house): logement (lodging)

adhérer (to adhere): adhérence (adhesion)

trier (to sort): triage (classification)

lire (to read): lisible (readable)

incliner (to bend): inclinaison (inclination)

venger (to avenge): vengeance (vengeance)

Suffixes added to nouns:

fer (iron): ferraille (scrap-iron)

million (million): millionaire (millionaire)

âge (age): âgé (aged)

courage (courage): courageux (brave)

fruit (fruit): fruitier (fruit seller)

dent (tooth): dentiste (dentist)

plat (flat): platitude (platitude)

chimie (chemistry): chimique (chemical)

barbe (beard): barbu (bearded)

Added to a noun, -ier designates people who have a relationship with the base word: barbe (beard), barbier (barber); prison (jail), prisonnier (prisoner).

Suffixes added to adjectives:

vert (green): verdâtre (greenish)

ample (ample): ampleur (width)

tard (late): tardif (tardy)

bon (good): bonté (goodness)

gentil (kind): gentillesse (graciousness)

Some French suffixes have equivalent suffixes in English:

French English Examples
-tion -tion opération (operation)
-able -ible incroyable (incredible)
-isme -ism feminisme (feminism)
-iste -ist socialiste (socialist)
-ice -ess actrice (actress)
-eur -or vendeur (vendor)
-oire -ory migratoire (migratory)

See Also:

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