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Feminine and Masculine Forms of Adjectives

Gender Agreement

Adjectives agree in gender with the noun they modify.

Most adjectives form the feminine from the masculine by adding -e, including adjectives ending with é:

masculine feminine  
petit petite (small)
joli jolie (pretty)
français française (French)
noir noire (black)
élégant élégante (elegant)
âgé âgée (old)

Note: adjectives ending in -e have the same masculine and feminine forms:

aimable aimable (amiable)
difficile difficile (difficult)

Adjectives ending in -x form the feminine by changing -x to -se:

curieux curieuse (curious)
heureux heureuse (happy)

Adjectives ending in -f form the feminine by changing -f to -ve:

actif active (lively/active)
expressif expressive (expressive)
fautif fautive (wrong/at fault)

Adjectives ending in -er form the feminine by changing -er to -ère.

dernier dernière (last)
étranger étrangère (foreign)
léger légère (light)

Some adjectives form the feminine by doubling the final consonant before adding -e:

pareil pareille (same, similar)
ancien ancienne (old/ancient)
bas basse (low)
bon bonne (good/kind)
cruel cruelle (cruel)
gentil gentille (nice, kind)
sot sotte (silly, foolish)

Most adjectives ending with -eur or -teur form their feminine in -euse or -teuse:

un avenir prometteur (a promising future)
une aventure prometteuse (a promising adventure)

However, a few unusual adjectives change -teur into -trice:

un agent corrupteur (a corrupting agent)
une influence corruptrice (a corrupting influence)

Some adjectives have irregular feminine forms:

blanc blanche (white)
complet complète (complete)
doux douce (soft)
faux fausse (false)
favori favorite (favorite)
frais fraîche (cool/fresh)
franc franche (frank)
inquiet inquiète (worried/uneasy)
long longue (long)
public publique (public)
roux rousse (reddish)
sec sèche (dry)
secret secrète (secret)
*beau (bel) belle (beautiful)
*fou (fol) folle (mad, crazy)
*mou (mol) molle (soft)
*vieux (vieil) vieille (old)
*nouveau (nouvel) nouvelle (new)

*These five masculine adjectives have an alternative form before a masculine noun beginning with a vowel or a "mute" h. Their feminine singular is formed by doubling the last consonant before adding the usual -e.

  1. un bel ouvrage (a good work)
  2. un fol amour (a crazy love)
  3. un mol oreiller (a soft pillow)
  4. un vieil hôtel (an old hotel)
  5. un nouvel homme (a new man)

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