Gender Agreement
Adjectives agree in gender with the noun they modify.
Most adjectives form the feminine from the masculine by adding -e, including adjectives ending with é:
masculine | feminine | |
petit | petite | (small) |
joli | jolie | (pretty) |
français | française | (French) |
noir | noire | (black) |
élégant | élégante | (elegant) |
âgé | âgée | (old) |
Note: adjectives ending in -e have the same masculine and feminine forms:
aimable | aimable | (amiable) |
difficile | difficile | (difficult) |
Adjectives ending in -x form the feminine by changing -x to -se:
curieux | curieuse | (curious) |
heureux | heureuse | (happy) |
Adjectives ending in -f form the feminine by changing -f to -ve:
actif | active | (lively/active) |
expressif | expressive | (expressive) |
fautif | fautive | (wrong/at fault) |
Adjectives ending in -er form the feminine by changing -er to -ère.
dernier | dernière | (last) |
étranger | étrangère | (foreign) |
léger | légère | (light) |
Some adjectives form the feminine by doubling the final consonant before adding -e:
pareil | pareille | (same, similar) |
ancien | ancienne | (old/ancient) |
bas | basse | (low) |
bon | bonne | (good/kind) |
cruel | cruelle | (cruel) |
gentil | gentille | (nice, kind) |
sot | sotte | (silly, foolish) |
Most adjectives ending with -eur or -teur form their feminine in -euse or -teuse:
avenir prometteur (a promising future)
une aventure prometteuse (a promising adventure)
However, a few unusual adjectives change -teur into -trice:
un agent
corrupteur (a corrupting agent)
une influence corruptrice (a corrupting
Some adjectives have irregular feminine forms:
blanc | blanche | (white) |
complet | complète | (complete) |
doux | douce | (soft) |
faux | fausse | (false) |
favori | favorite | (favorite) |
frais | fraîche | (cool/fresh) |
franc | franche | (frank) |
inquiet | inquiète | (worried/uneasy) |
long | longue | (long) |
public | publique | (public) |
roux | rousse | (reddish) |
sec | sèche | (dry) |
secret | secrète | (secret) |
*beau (bel) | belle | (beautiful) |
*fou (fol) | folle | (mad, crazy) |
*mou (mol) | molle | (soft) |
*vieux (vieil) | vieille | (old) |
*nouveau (nouvel) | nouvelle | (new) |
*These five masculine adjectives have an alternative form before a masculine noun beginning with a vowel or a "mute" h. Their feminine singular is formed by doubling the last consonant before adding the usual -e.
See Also: