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Conditional Mood

The conditional mood is used to express or imply what would happen given certain conditions or suppositions. It is also used to convey other shades of meaning (polite request, guarded statement, etc.).

Si je parlais japonais, je visiterais le Japon.
(If I spoke Japanese, I would visit Japan.)

Its two tenses are the present conditional and the perfect conditional:

S'il faisait beau, je marcherais dans le parc.
(If the weather were nice, I would walk in the park.) S'il avait fait beau, j'aurais marché dans le parc.
(If the weather had been nice, I would have walked in the park.)

The conditional is also used in reported speech with a past tense verb:

Elle a dit qu'elle viendrait.
(She said she would come).

Note that the future tense is used for reported speech with a present tense verb:

Elle dit qu'elle viendra.
(She says that she is coming.)

Present Conditional
Perfect Conditional

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