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Nominal Construction

The nominal form of sentence construction is used with all intransitive verbs. It is also used with transitive verbs in all forms except past tenses. That means that this form is used with transitive verbs in the present, future imperfective, future perfective, present subjunctive, appropriate potential, and imperative forms.

In the nominal construction, the subject of the sentence is expressed by a noun or personal pronoun in the direct case. The predicate agrees with the subject in person and number, and the direct object is expressed by a noun, personal pronoun, or pronoun enclitic. For example:

"I see him." - زٌه ېې وینٌم.

"My sister studies at school." - زْما خُور پٌه ښُووٌنْڂَی کی سَبَق واېى.

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