Adjectives can be formed from nominal and verbal stems with suffixes, prefixes, or a combination of suffixes and prefixes.
Adjective Formation with Suffixes:
Weak adjectives, adjectives ending in [-ay] - ی, and invariable adjectives (see Adjectives) can be produced by adding suffixes:
Weak adjectives:
[-awár], [-wár] - وَر :
"tasteful" - [khwandawár] خْوَنْدَوَر وَر = + "taste" - [khwand] خْوَنْد
"brave" - [zRAwár] = زْړٌه وَر وَر + "heart" -[zRA] زْړٌه
[-Án] - ن :
"meaty" - [ghwaKhÁn] غْوَښٌن = ن + "meat" - [ghwáKha] غْوَښَه
[-ín] - ین :
"of stone" - [Dabarín] ډَبَرین = ین + "stone" - [Dabára] ډَبَرَه
[-jÁn] - جٌن :
"lying" - [dArwaaghjÁn] دٌرْواغْجٌن =جن + "lie" - [dArwaágh] دٌرْواغ
[-íz] - یز :
"sunny" - [lmaríz] = لْمَریز یز + "sun" - [lmar] لْمَر
[-mán] - مَن :
"victorious" - [baraymán] بَریمَن = مَن + "victory" - [baráy] بَرَی
[-lÁn] - لٌن :
"watery" - [oblÁn] اُوبْلٌن = لٌن + "water" - [obÁ] اُوبٌه ;
[-naák] - ناک :
"influential" - [aghezanaák] اَغېزَه ناک = ناک + "influence" - [aghezá] اَغېزَه ;
Adjectives ending in [-ay] - ی :
[-áy] - ی :
"angry" - [badáy] بَدَی = ی + "bad" - [bad] بَد ;
[-anáy] - نَی :
"annual" - [kaalanáy] کالَنَی = نَی + "year" - [kaal] کال ;
[-yaaláy] - یالی :
"powerful" -[bramyaaláy] بْرَمیالَی =یالی + "power" - [bram] بْرَم ;
Invariable adjectives:
[-yaá] - یا :
"enough" - [basyaá] بَسیا = یا + "enough" - [bas] بَس ;
[-aá] - ا :
"stone - deaf" - [kuNaá]کُوڼا = ا + "deaf" - [kuN] کُوڼ ;
[-í] - ى :
"of leather" - [tsarmAní] څَرْمٌنى = ى + "leather" -[tsarmÁn] څَرْمٌن
[-ú] - و :
"with a long neck" - [ghaaRú] غاړُو = و + "neck" - [ghaáRa] غاړَه
Adjective Formation with Prefixes and Combinations of Prefixes and Suffixes
Adjectives denoting the absence of some quality can be formed in the following two ways:
a) from other adjectives with the prefix [naa-] نا- . In some cases, the suffix [-a] - ه is also added.
"ill" - [naarógh] نارُوغ = "healthy" - [rogh] رُوغ +نا;
"late" - [naawákhta] ناوَخْتَه = ه + "time" - [wakht] وَخْت + نا ;
b) from nouns with the prefix [be-] بې - and the suffix [-a] - ه. If the initial noun ends in [-A] - ه or [-aa] - ا the suffix is absent; if the initial noun ends in [-a] - ه the adjective has the ending [-e] - ې.
"lifeless" - [bedzaána] بېڂانَه = ه + "soul" - [dzaan] ڂان + بې;
"faint-hearted" - [bezRÁ] بې زْړٌه = "heart" - [zRA] بې + زْړٌه
"silent" - [bezhÁbe] بې ژٌبې = "language" - [zhÁba] بې+ ژٌبَه
See Also: