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Understanding Learning Goals and Streaks


Your daily learning goal is the minimum amount of time that you want to spend on language learning each day - though of course you can always do more! {{#tlo}}Transparent Language Online{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}The CL-150{{/rr5}} tracks your progress toward your learning goal by measuring the amount of time you spend on learning activities for any language or combination of languages each day. (For tracking purposes, a day consists of the 24-hour period from midnight to midnight in the time zone you selected in your {{#tlo}}user profile{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}account settings{{/rr5}}.{{#mobile}} If you complete learning time in offline mode, your daily goal will be updated when you sync.{{/mobile}}){{#rr5}} You can also add journal entries for the current day to get credit for learning time outside of the program.{{/rr5}}

You can change your daily learning goal at any time by {{#web}}clicking{{/web}}{{^web}}tapping{{/web}} Show More Options in the MY PERSONAL GOAL panel on the Learning screen, then selecting Edit Goal. You may also have the option of signing up for notifications when you haven't completed your daily learning goal, or when your streak is about to be broken. Consult Editing Your Daily Learning Goal and {{#rr5}}Changing Your Account Settings{{/rr5}}{{#tlo}}Editing Your User Profile{{/tlo}} for details.

Streaks are gained by completing your daily learning goal multiple days in a row. The program will track both your current streak and the longest streak you have ever achieved. For each streak of seven days, you earn a shield that can protect your streak against breaking if you miss a day. You can have up to 15 shields at a time. To display additional information on your streaks as well as how many shields you currently have, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} Show More Options in the MY PERSONAL GOAL panel on the Learning screen, then select History. Consult Viewing Your Goal History for details.

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The My Personal Goal screen provides information about your daily learning goal, your streaks, and your shields.

To use the My Personal Goal screen:

  1. Do one of the following to open the My Personal Goal screen, if it is not already shown:
  2. Consult the information on the screen to check whether you have completed your daily learning goal. If you have, a message to that effect will appear and the screen will list the goal that was completed. If not, the panel will show your current goal and how much learning you have done so far.
  3. Do {{#tlo}}either{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}any{{/rr5}} of the following:

Note: Remember that you can {{#tlo}}{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}{{/rr5}}sign up to receive notifications when you haven't completed your daily learning goal or when your streak is about to be broken. You can also {{#tlo}}run another type of report on your learning activity using the My Transcript feature{{/tlo}}{{#rr5}}run other types of reports on your learning activity{{/rr5}}.


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