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Searching for Lessons

The Browse screen allows you to search all the available content for a language to find specific lessons.{{#mobile}} Note: In offline mode, searches will only find lessons that you have already downloaded.{{/mobile}}

To search for specific lessons on the Browse screen:

  1. {{#web}}Click{{/web}}{{^web}}Tap{{/web}} Search Filter and select the fields you want to search.
  2. Type the text you want to find in the Search field. Searches are not case-sensitive, and you can enter any of the following:
  3. If you prefer, use any of the following options to further refine your search:
  4. When ready, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} {{#web}}Search{{/web}}{{#phone}}Search{{/phone}}{{#mobile}}Search{{/mobile}}{{#web}} or press the Enter key{{/web}} to run the search. Your search results may include lessons and/or individual vocab items.
  5. {{#web}}Click{{/web}}{{^web}}Tap{{/web}} the LESSONS tab in the search area to display any lessons found by your search. You can choose how many results appear per page by choosing a number in the{{^phone}} Per Page{{/phone}} menu{{#phone}} above the search area{{/phone}}. If there is more than one page of results, you can use the {{^phone}}First Screen of Results Previous Screen of Results Next Screen of Results Last Screen of Results buttons or the numbers between them to navigate through the list, or enter a number in the Jump To menu to go directly to that page{{/phone}}{{#phone}}Previous Next buttons to navigate through the list, or enter a number in the field beside them to go directly to that page{{/phone}}. While the lessons are shown, you can also do any of the following:
  6. {{#web}}Click{{/web}}{{^web}}Tap{{/web}} the WORDS & PHRASES tab in the search area to display any individual vocab items found by your search. You can choose how many results appear per page by choosing a number in the{{^phone}} Per Page{{/phone}} menu{{#phone}} above the search area{{/phone}}. If there is more than one page of results, you can use the {{^phone}}First Screen of Results Previous Screen of Results Next Screen of Results Last Screen of Results buttons or the numbers between them to navigate through the list, or enter a number in the Jump To menu to go directly to that page{{/phone}}{{#phone}}Previous Next buttons to navigate through the list, or enter a number in the field beside them to go directly to that page{{/phone}}. While the vocab items are shown, you can also do any of the following:
  7. When you are ready to clear your search results, {{#web}}click{{/web}}{{^web}}tap{{/web}} {{#web}}Clear beside{{/web}}{{#phone}}Clear in{{/phone}}{{#mobile}}Clear beside{{/mobile}} the Search field.

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