Interjections express different kinds of emotions. They have no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence. Interjections in Korean are divided into two groups:
Interjections that express feelings (happiness, surprise, fear, disappointment etc.)
야 "Oh!", "Wow!", "Good heavens!" - delight
야, 큰일 났다! "Gosh! What a blunder I've made!"
아차 "Oops!", "Hang it!", "Damn it" - surprise of your own mistake, fear
아차, 또 졌구나! "Oops! I've lost again!"
아이구 (고) "Ah!", "Oh!", "Oh dear!" - surprise
아이구, 깜짝이야! "Oh! What a surprise!"
아야 "Ouch" - pain and fear
아야! 너무 아파! "Ouch! It hurts terribly!"
Interjections that express desire (inducement or call for action)
쉬 "Hush!", "Shh" - ask to be quiet
쉬, 조용히 해라! "Hush! Be quiet!"
자 "Attention!", "Well (now)" - ask for attention
자! 이쪽을 봐요! "Now, look this way, please."
Words used to call or drive off animals are also considered part of this group:
구구 "Chuck-chuck" - call hens
See Also: